Day 7- Last Day On Board the Breakaway

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We began our last day on the Norwegian Breakaway by sleeping in pretty late. It was warmer then I expected when we got up- we were at the very bottom of Virginia, and the weather was still OK for shorts and t-shirts, which was a nice surprise.

We opened the balcony to get some warm, fresh air while we got ready for the day.


We headed up to breakfast, first grabbing some cereal and a bowl for my son on the way up. He was thrilled to see that they got more of his favorite cereal in- they had previously run out. We had a nice, quiet breakfast while looking at the ocean, a view we are sure to miss this time tomorrow.

We dropped the boy of at kids club, although it was only open for 45 minutes by that time. One thing I would like is if they would have more/better hours at the kids club- it seems they are closed as much as they are open.

My husband and I headed over to the pool area, and climbed into a hot tub. It was a little cool, but we had been wanting to use one since we got here, and it just hadn’t happened- this was for sure our last chance. We were not in the hot tub 5 minutes when a coast guard helicopter started circling- they were rendezvousing with our ship to transfer a sick person to a local hospital. While there is medical staff on board, the person was more seriously ill and needed a hospital. It was pretty cool watching the rescue operation, and pretty much everyone on the sip came out to see it. (No one was glad that someone was ill, but seeing the procedure was neat. Yes, we are bad people, every one of us.)


It was time to go grab the bugger from kids club, and then we went back to the room to change into dry clothes.

We headed out to lunch, and then wanted to try bringing the kiddo back to kids club (since they had been closed for two hours and were supposed to be open again), but they wouldn’t let him in, since they were only taking kids who wanted to be in the talent show. Even when they are open, they are closed. He was really bummed, he wanted to play with the kids before we left. He didn’t want to preform, he just wanted to play, poor bubbie.

Instead, he came with us to watch the International Crew Talent Show, which let the crew show off their stuff. Everything from singing to traditional dances were performed, it was fun, and pretty neat to see what a talented group is on board here.


We went to the final character meet and greet- today was SpongeBob and Patrick in their “traditonal” gear. We took our own photos and so did the staff photographer. I love that we can take our own photos, and have the option to buy theirs as well.


The ship has an Ice Bar- a whole room made of ice. You are given a coat and mittens before you go into this 20 degree freezer, and then served a variety of alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks in frozen glasses. The floor, walls, chairs, and bar are all made of ice- and there are sculptures in the room as well. It was a (literally) very cool experience. Kids can go in as well as parents, and get non-alcoholic drinks. The drinks they served were only available there, which is neat as well. You go inside in small groups, so you won’t be overwhelmed (or melt the room).

norwegian breakaway ice barThere was also a family cupcake decorating time, which my son and I took part in (daddy stayed longer in the ice bar). You were given a plain cupcake, and the toppings you wanted were put into your plate. Then you sat down at a table, decorated, and enjoyed your creation.

P1020742We met at the show- the last one (or so we thought) we would see on the Breakaway. Broadway star and former Miss America Kate Shindle sang a mix of Broadway and pop favorites and blew everyone away with her range. It was quite a good show, and I’m glad we went. At the end of the show, Cruise Ship Director Julie came on, set the stage on fire, and juggled unicorns while on a unicycle. No, kidding- but I wouldn’t have been surprised- that woman has been everywhere and done absolutely everything (and I’ve never seen her NOT be smiling). She brought up members of the crew for a farewell number and song- including everyone’s favorites, the Washy Washy Happy Happy singers. Then the whole group and the audience did the “Breakaway” dance together, and literally danced out of the theater. Great end to a great trip, right?

But not yet.

We thought so, and went to go have a late dinner in the Manhattan Room. I was at first bummed that the singer/pianist from the other night wasn’t there (I loved him, he was crazy good) but then as we were eating, the cast from Burn the Floor came on and preformed some swing dancing! How fun was that. They were fantastic (of course) and so high energy, it’s hard to believe.


This was wonderful trip, we had such a good time, and the staff and performers were so amazing. I am using the words “amazing” and “awesome” a lot, because there really is no other way to describe this experience. We all had fun, and we all have very different tastes. There was so much to see and do for adults, kids, and even grandparents, that I would tell anyone to book a Norwegian cruise. There is something for everyone at every time of the day, and you will all get what you are looking for out of your cruise vacation.

P1020616Amazing food, fantastic people, great weather, fun shows, tons of activities and options- what else could you want? Go cruise like a Norwegian and see what I mean.


  1. I’m glad your last day was so nice. Too bad the kids’ place wasn’t open very often. That cupcake decorating sounds like a lot of fun.

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