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New York City is home to some amazing sights and activities. One of the best is the Bronx Zoo, which provides an educational and fun-filled experience for people of all ages. This summer, the Bronx Zoo will turn NYC into a city-wide social photo safari by inviting consumers to learn about “120 Ways #NYisWild.” The more people share their in-park photos using the #NYisWild hashtag, the more chances they have to win a trip to Belize, one of the locations where the Wildlife Conservation Society—owner and operator of the Bronx Zoo – does some exciting and relevant conservation work.

California Sea Lion #1
I am pleased to announce that I am a Wildlife Conservation Society Zoo Crew Ambassador again for 2015 and I have great info to share about their 120 Ways NY is Wild #NYisWild Campaign.
How You Can Participate:
- Choose from 120 “wild” attractions around the city and capturing a photo of each for a chance to win irresistible prizes
- There are several prize levels available, including a special Grand Prize. Entry to win these prizes increases for hitting certain milestones (ex: Escape for 2 to Belize for completing 10/120 or Whale Watching Tour for 4 With WCS Scientists for completing 50/120).
- From April to August participants can capture each attraction using Instagram or Twitter with #NYisWild and also hashtagging the number of the clue (ex: #NYisWild, #84)
- Keep track of all progress on NYisWild.com by logging in via an Instagram or Twitter account.

Southern White Rhino #NYisWild #19
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