Ways to Protect Your Home While Traveling

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suitcacesTaking vacations and traveling all over the world can be a great way to have fun and gain a variety of new experiences. You get to see new sights, witness new cultures, and be amazed at how different life is from one place to the other.

When you go on vacation, you know that there is much to do to prepare for your trip. You need to get your itinerary and travel arrangements in order. You need to plan and pack for your trip. And you need to ensure that everything back home is cared for while you’re away, such as boarding your pets, or getting someone to cover your shift at work.

One area that people often overlook while traveling is the safety of their home. When you travel, you are leaving your home vacant and available for intruders. However, if you take the necessary precautions, you’ll be able to keep your home safe while you travel.

Set automatic timers on lights.

The easiest way that people know you’re not home is by seeing a dark house for multiple days in a row. To avoid this, make sure you invest in and use automatic timers on lights, both inside and outside of the home. Simply having a few lights turn on in various rooms of your home will make it look like someone is there, which will deter crooks from breaking into your home while you’re away.

Stop newspaper and mail service.

Another way that people will know you’re not home is by having mail and newspapers pile up. To avoid this, make sure you put a temporary hold on your mail and newspaper delivery. This way, you will not have a stack of items waiting for you when you get back, and you won’t draw attention to your home.

Turn off major utilities.

Things can happen in your home when you’re traveling that can cause significant damage. For example, a leaky water pipe could burst and cause a significant amount of water damage; a faulty wire could spark and cause a fire; or a gas leak could cause an explosion. In order to avoid this, be sure to turn off any major utilities while you’re away that could cause an issue.

Tell the authorities.

You can tell your local authorities that you will be gone in order to make them aware of the situation. They will likely make it a point to drive by your home on a regular basis to ensure that no foul play has occurred. Make sure to let them know when you’re leaving and when you’ll be back so that they know specifically when to keep an eye on your home.

Avoid social media.

Everyone loves sharing updates and pictures from their trip, but broadcasting that you’re not home on social media is the easiest way to tell people to come and wreak havoc on your home. Make it a point to avoid social media until you get back. This way, nobody will know that your home is empty.

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