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Each year approximately 3-4 million pets are adopted from shelter and rescue groups, but 2.4 million healthy and treatable pets still need our help to find a home. The Shelter Pet Project, in a collaborative effort between The Humane Society of the United States, Maddie’s Fund®, and the Ad Council, want to help these pets find homes. The goal of The Shelter Pet Project is to make shelters and rescue groups the first place people turn when looking to get a new pet.
And why shouldn’t it be? These pets are not “used” or “throw away” pets- they are companions that need a new home, usually due to no fault of their own.
Have you met Cooper? Our newest addition, here since December. He’s awesome. He thinks he’s people- but he’s a whole lot better, in my opinion, since he can’t talk back and he doesn’t care if I put on weight. After our dog Chaac died of cancer almost 2 years ago (also a rescue from a local shelter), we never thought we would find another dog to fill the hole Chaac left in our hearts. We did quite a few fosters, but it was Cooper who stole the show- we just adore him.

Chaac the Wonder Dog- who we miss dearly.
Speaking of fosters- have you met Sasha? Our latest foster dog is looking for her forever home- if you think that could be you, email me for more info!
Sasha is 6 years old, likes long walks on the beach (or anywhere, really), and is quite the lady on her leash. She never pulls, and walks at whatever pace you are- this pup aims to please. Clearly a beauty, she will bat her gold eyes and dazzle you with a smile that she flashes to anyone- she’s a flirt.
Sasha is great in the car, loves belly rubs, and wants to be someone’s baby. Just like any girly-girl, she likes to have her fur brushed. She doesn’t love going up and down stairs (she’s a bit overweight), but will gladly play fetch in the backyard with you. (By “fetch” I mean run wildly after that stick you threw and chew it to bits, or hold the ball in her mouth and show it to you.)
This is the perfect dog for empty nesters. She is fantastic in the car, never makes a peep and sits like she owns it. Completely housebroken, Sasha knows her name, how to sit, and stay. Sasha has lots of energy, and is really strong- but she listens very well and is learning more commands. She will beg for snacks if you have them- or stalk you- which some would find beneath them, but Sasha doesn’t care (as long as it ends with treats). She will also take them ever-so- gently from your hands.
In celebration of “National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day” on April 30 and to support “Adopt a Cat Month” in June, Lance Bass (a radio host and entertainer who first rose to fame as a member of NSYNC) has joined The Shelter Pet Project to share the love and joy that adopted pets bring to his life. Bass, his husband Michael Turchin, and their rescue dogs Lily, Foster, and Dingo star in a “Meet My Shelter Pet” series video from The Shelter Pet Project. A second video, narrated by Bass, highlights the importance of shelter pet adoption and provides viewers with more information on how to adopt.
The Shelter Pet Project showcases the unique bonds between shelter pets and their adoptive owners, and reminds people that there are thousands of amazing shelter pets ready to meet them. These videos and other ads help break down misconceptions surrounding shelter pets and spread the word that pets in shelters are wonderful and loveable.
Millions of people are looking to acquire a pet within the next year. If you are one of them, look first to shelter and rescue pets- the most loyal love you will ever find.
Visit TheShelterPetProject.org to learn more about pet adoption. You can also visit their social media channels for more information (and just raw cuteness).
hello,being kind to animals is very good,glad that animal shelter is there for the animals.