The Algonquin Resort in New Brunswick

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The summer can be the most exhausting time of the year. Figuring out what to do with the kids, the heat, planning your holiday- you can wear yourself out just thinking about it, and I haven’t even mentioned the events yet. It seems like there are always a million things to do, so many places to shuttle off to, and never enough time to do it all. When you need a break, you want to go to a place where your days were carefree and relaxed, sprinkled with fun and one of a kind adventures. Of course, I am talking about The Algonquin Resort.

20140820_152600This resort is amazing. The staff is helpful, knowledgeable, and will help take care of everything for you. Not only is the resort elegant and historical, but they offer amazing perks to make your stay as carefree as possible. You have  the option to hit the greens, go to the spa, take in a game of tennis, and enjoy the indoor or outdoor pools. Then retire to your room, where you will enjoy a historical look and modern conveniences. Some of the rooms offer panoramic views of the picturesque Passamaquoddy Bay, which is lovely.

20140821_072903In addition to offering lovely rooms and a true feeling of luxury, the variety of experiences available for guests offers something for everyone, the kids, the golfers, the lovers and the adventure seekers.  The food at the resort is top notch, with several restaurants to choose from, as well as buffet style options. Children’s menus are available as well, although I always reccomend you have your kids try something fun and new while traveling.  Why not experience new food while in a new place?
pic6The spa offered so many more services than other resorts I have visited- from make up to hair, hands and feet, massages and so much more. You can truly enjoy a day of complete pampering at The Spa at The Algonquin Resort.  The rooms are also perfect for relaxing- quiet, dark when you want them to be, and spacious.  There are kitchen areas with refrigerators, counter tops, a separate eating area, microwaves, and more, making eating in while on vacation an easy option.
20140820_16003820140820_160047If you feel like a getaway is in order to refresh your spirit for the new year, The Algonquin Resort located in New Brunswick’s charming town of St. Andrews by-the-Sea, is absolutely a lovely place to go to relax and unwind or discover a fantastic adventure.  Hang out in the resort, then go exploring in the town.  There are some fun and unique things to do with your family that you won’t want to miss, like whale watching in the Bay of Fundy on the the Jolly Breeze and vising the at Kingsbrae Garden.  Make sure you scheduled time for lunch there- you will get a fun surprise!  Alpacas come and eat on the field just feet away from the tables.  (Far enough so it’s not weird, close enough so it’s fun.)


  1. Janet W. says

    The food looks so delicious! And the rooms look really comfy and cozy! What a great resort!

  2. your son looks like he had a great time

  3. that looks like a great resort.

  4. valmg @ Mom Knows It All says

    What a lovely looking place! he sky looks so blue! Your son looks enthralled with the alpaca.

  5. So beautiful! I need to bookmark this for our trip out east! I know my boys would love the alpacas and the Bay of Fundy!

  6. A resort with spa that also has adorable animals on the premises?! That’s like everything I find calming in one! I could SO use a spa day this week. Calgon take me away to The Algonquin Resort!

  7. Melissa Pezza says

    What a great place! I love the alpacas! That is really cool!

  8. Jeanette says

    Ih my gosh! I LOVE the building! What a great way to keep the past alive! Your rooms are just amazing along with the food you ate. Next time you go I might try to tag along! 😉

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