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For those of you who love to travel, this is a product for you. New NeckNapperz are great for roadtrips, planes, trains- or even for your child’s own bed. These neck pillows transform from plush toy into a plush neck pillow and back again, which makes them great for dual uses. Kids are easily bored, as we all know, and being able to entertain themselves while you wait to board the plane or snuggle up with in the car, then use it when they are ready to nap is doubly-useful. Because it’s fun, it even helps those “I’m not tired!” moments- remind them that their snuggle buddy is ready for a nap too, and they are usually at the very least amused enough to try for sleep (and when they try, they normally go right out!)
The pillow offers support and cradles your child’s head, so none of those stiff shoulders and necks when they wake up from sleeping “funny”. Goodness knows planes and cars are not the most comfortable sleeping spots. The neck pillow has a snap on the end, so they can snap it shut and secure if they would like to. It is easy to attach it to luggage or a carry on while you are moving about, so it doesn’t get lost. It has a nice snap- nothing that will break and fall off, or that will fall apart easily.

My son really enjoys his new NeckNapperz- he has a basketball, which I have not seen on the website. It would be nice to see sports ones for older kids or sports enthusiasts. The pillows come in quite a few varieties, including a monkey and a unicorn. They come in many options, and are fun for boys or girls. Honestly, they are so adorable I sort of want one (mine is the ugly blue kind that blows up, so not cute). They are priced at only $19.99, so you can pick up more then one (no fighting to “share” with the kiddos that way). Get yours now, and have fun traveling!
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Neck napperz sound great when travelling,they will take away the frustrations that come with travelling.
I could certainly use one of those for myself. It really looks comfortable!
What a great little traveler and a great idea for a travel pillow
Thanks for this review — I’ve been debating for years on whether to get one of these; I guess I should!!
he looks content!