7 Tips for Safer Drinking

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There’s nothing wrong with enjoying an evening on the town, but if you aren’t careful, you could wind up sick, dehydrated or worse after an overindulgence of alcohol. If you want to avoid this fate, here are seven tips for drinking in a way that you won’t regret in the morning.

1. Hand Over Your Keys

Give your keys to the bartender as soon as you walk in the room. This is more effective than giving them to a friend because a bartender won’t be swayed by drunken protests that you aren’t “that bad off.” If they don’t believe you’re capable of driving, you won’t be able to, and that’s that.

2. Try Hydration Mixers

There are certain low carb alcoholic mixers out there that also double as great sources of hydration. This is because they contain electrolytes, so you aren’t just drinking alcohol, water or orange juice. You’re drinking energy.

3. Know Your Limit

This is easier said than done, of course, but if you’re serious about not drinking too much while you’re on the prowl, this will help you both figure out your limit and enforce it. Try videotaping yourself one night as you drink at home. Watch the tape and see where you go from tipsy to completely intoxicated.

4. Know When Not to Drink

You shouldn’t drink when you’re sick or taking medication. You’ll also have to avoid those screwdrivers when you’ve been appointed the designated driver. Get familiar with your local bar’s non-alcoholic options just in case you’re ever in a position where you can’t drink.

5. Eat Between Rounds

Peanuts are a particular favorite at bars and nightclubs because they contain protein that slows down the absorption of alcohol in the bloodstream. If you can’t find a bag, however, any food is better than nothing. Drinking on an empty stomach is a bad idea.

7. Sip Instead of Gulp

In a world of jello shots, sipping your drink is a lost art, but it can help you stay sober even when everyone else around you is falling down. Consider sipping your margarita instead of gulping it down immediately.

These are just a few tips for drinking responsibly. Remember, it’s up to you to take precautions when you know you’ll be partying hard. No one else can monitor your drinking habits for you. You have to be alert, and you have to be personally accountable for your actions.

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