Win Entenmann’s® Donuts & Milk: Perfect Together Prize Pack

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Back-to-school season is here, and Entenmann’s® is partnering with The Great American Milk Drive, hoping to deliver 100,000 servings of milk to children and families in need across the country! After all, donuts and milk are perfect together!


Entenmann’s® is proud to join The Great American Milk Drive in the “Entenmann’s® Donuts & Milk: Perfect Together Sweepstakes” helping deliver milk to those who need it the most. For every entry received during the “Entenmann’s® Donuts & Milk: Perfect Together Sweepstakes”, one 8 oz. glass of nutrient-rich milk will be donated to The Great American Milk Drive, up to 100,000 servings. Consumers can enter to win a variety of prizes during the Facebook sweepstakes, continues through October 31st. As part of the Facebook sweepstakes, 25 first prize winners will win a one year’s supply of milk and Entenmann’s® donuts and 100 second prize winners will win four boxes of Entenmann’s® donuts.


One of you can win this $70 Review package- a milk tumbler, 5 Entenmann’s® coupons, and a $25 AMEX gift card! Please feel free to win useing the RC form below. Good luck, ends Sept 29, 2016.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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