Accell Power Solutions

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surge protector

With great electronics comes great power consumption.  Or something along those lines, or maybe it was something about power and responsibility.  Either way, as your living conditions come into the digital age, your power consumption will also come of age.  From power strips and 3 prong adapters to the more modern power centers and powersquids, you are going to need an upgrade.  It is time to see what you can do to get the most from your electricity and outlets.  Accell make this easy with a line of new user friendly consumer products including the Original Powersquid, which looks a lot like a beast from the deep with 5 dangling extension adapters for your power needs.

It may look odd, but in terms of practicality, it is very useful.  The powersquid acts like your well known power strip, but instead of a space inefficient strip of 5 outlets there are 5 outlets which dangle from below the body which gives you 600 joules of surge protection.  It supports 120 volts, 15 Amps, and 1800 Watts, and includes a 5 year $100,000 connected equipment limited warranty.  This squid is perfect for those bulky power transformers that are a hard fit for straight line power strips. This is the perfect addition to any dorm room, computer desk, or entertainment center.

surge protector

Next up is the Powrmid, which is a power center and surge protector USB charging station. It is great for desks and under desk areas, where outlets are a must but space is a commodity.  The powrmid has 6 outlets and 2 USB ports which can be used for charging any of your usb devices including cell phones and personal electronics.  The outlets themselves are set up in such a way that bulky cables are easy to plug in safely including adapters and transformers. The powrmid also supposed up to 1080 joules and has an illuminated power switch making it easy to turn on and off in low light scenarios.

The Powersquid is available for $24.99 from Accell and the Powrmid is also available from Accell for $24.99 with USB chargers or you can get it without.  No matter which you choose, all of these products make for a cleaner easier electronic usage experience.

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