Hills Bros Coffee

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Coffee is serious business as is the environment.  One depends on the other and without the environment for thriving coffee plants coffee can not be.  So what can be done to help with the recent single serve coffee craze which may make for a good cup of coffee for one, but also makes for a whole lot of extra garbage per cup?  Well Hills Brothers Coffee has a solution, new Certified 100% Compost able Single Serve Pods which work with Keurig machines.  With a normal coffee pod after the coffee is brewed the cup, filter, grounds and label all go into the trash where it sits, taking years to decompose.  But the new Hills Brothers Pods are completely compost able and every piece of the packaging breaks down into soil leaving less of an environmental foot print per cup then other pods.

Not only is the packaging special but the coffee within is special as well.  There are various roasts available from the dark roast which is a unique blend of premium Arabica beans from around the world. Dark roasted for a strong, bold flavor and smooth finish to the light roast which is called Bright Roast, which is lightly roasted for a pleasant, subtle finish there is something for every taste.  Each roast is available either ground or in whole bean form.  In ground canned form there are also a few other varieties like Pacific Blend which is a unique blend of rare and diverse coffee beans from the Pacific tropics and Dark Satin which is an exceptional blend of 100% Arabica coffee specially selected for a deep, vibrant flavor, and smooth finish. Hills Bros.® Dark Satin is a rich taste of San Francisco.  Each blend is different and unique giving the drinker and adventure in a cup.  Be sure to keep your eye out for Hills Brothers available online or at a store near you.

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