Dragon Quest Builders for the Playstation 4

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What is an interesting way to get your whole family into the role playing game genre while still keeping the little ones excited about open world sand box style gaming, in the same vein as Minecraft?  The answer is the new Dragon Quest Builders game where you play a hero who must rebuild a destroyed kingdom, block by block castle by castle, city by city.  This may sound like a daunting task, but for those of us with a creative mind and a builder’s spirit, it is within reach.

The story is that there was a great battle generations ago, and after such, a hero was tricked into joining forces with a great evil.  The evil Dragon lord took away mankind’s ability to build and imagine, scattering the remains of humanity across the planet.  Your job to rekindle this builder’s spirit and imagination with the help of the Goddess at your side, as well as your own imagination.  The game itself is huge and wide open, able to be explored and built or broken down at will.  There are familiar characters from the Dragon Quest series including Slimes and Dragons, and a familiar art style similar to previous iterations of the Dragon Quest series, with an anime feel instead of the block-y computer graphics of Minecraft.

What is most fun about this game in my opinion is its ability to bring video game players of various genres together into one game.  Those who enjoy a more story and plot driven games will enjoy the ability to rebuild the world to its former glory, completing quests for other characters and defeating enemies.  While those who love open world sand box games will enjoy the building of places itself.  From humble beginnings of one bedroom homes, to kitchens and blacksmiths, to full size castles, the world is literally yours to play in.  The interface itself is easy and the controls are simple to master.  You have a set inventory of materials which can be used to build new places and materials.  Dragon Quest Builders is available now and retails for $59.99.


  1. Jenna Hudson says

    The graphics in this game are astounding! My son would really like this game.

  2. I have to check this out! My younger boys would love this game! Thanks!

  3. Ivonne Tarantino says

    My boys would just love this game who are big gamers!

  4. My grandson would love Dragon Quest Builders, probably my oldest granddaughter also.

  5. That looks like a fun game! Now all we need is a PS4! 🙂

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