This Holiday Season, Give the Gift of Health and Vitality with Lucky Iron Fish

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It’s official – the holidays are upon us. The demands on your time seem to have tripled since Thanksgiving, and you’re desperate to find the perfect gift or stocking stuffer for the favorite women in your life, that they can in turn share with their families.

It’s got to be original and fun, but useful too, and it can’t break the bank. A social good component would also be great. And it should be made out of iron.

OK, maybe that last bit wasn’t on your list of must-haves, but if you think about it, most of us can stand to use an extra dose of iron as part of our daily diet. As many as 3.5 billion people worldwide, women and children in particular, are affected by iron deficiency, which can result in weakness, dizziness, impaired cognition, and increased risk of illness, and ultimately lead to anemia.

Thankfully, a little but mighty fish is making waves to wipe out iron deficiency for good:

Lucky Iron Fish is a carefully formulated and tested cast-iron cooking tool that’s easy and safe to use during food preparation. It gives your entire family up to 90% of their recommended daily iron intake, and it’s reusable for up to 5 years!

Simply boil the Lucky Iron Fish in any liquid or broth-based meals to enrich your food and drinking water with iron. When used as instructed, the Fish doesn’t alter the taste or smell, and doesn’t present side effects like iron pills can.

Lucky Iron Fish has been shown to boost energy and productivity levels, and the best news: When you purchase the Fish for your family for $25 on Amazon or, another Fish will be donated to a family in need.

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