Canine ideas: discovering the great outdoors with your dog

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travel with your dog

There’s a reason why the dog is called man’s best friend; that’s because they’ll want to go with you everywhere, given half a chance. And that includes on adventures out into the great outdoors. In fact, a canine can be the perfect companion for discovering, exploring and trekking the countryside – within reason. In order to do it properly and safely, though, there are a number of things you ought to think about first…

Let off the leash?

Ideally, of course, with all that open country yawning ahead of you, any dog owner would love to let their pal run free, but it’s not always feasible – and not always legal to do so. In which case, you’re going to need a decent, durable leash, one that preferably gives 4-6 feet of slack. You might even go the whole hog and get one that’s manufactured from climbing rope. Alternatively, you could just make your own from climbing rope – the advantage being it’ll absorb a lot of tugs and pulls, ensuring it’s both easier for the dog and your otherwise aching shoulder.

Food and hydration

Water. It’s all-important for humans when they’re on the move (it’s estimated we need as much as between nine and 13 cups of fluids a day!), so remember to bring your own bottled water, but it’s just as important for the canine species. What you’ll need then is a portable bowl that’ll pack easily into a rucksack. And, if you’re unlikely to pass water fountains or natural water (streams, rivers or ponds), then bear in mind you’ll need to share your water with your pooch. Sustenance is important too – so be on the look-out for specially-made energy treats for dogs to ensure they don’t tire when you’re out together.

First aid kit – dog and human

No dog lover relishes considering this, but when you’re out with your pooch pal there’s sadly always the (very slight) possibility something will go wrong and you’ll run into an emergency. If the poor mutt’s health – or even life – is suddenly in danger then, you’ll have needed to prepare for all eventualities. That means packing a doggy first aid kit. What to include? Well, some items will crossover with what you’ll need for human-focused first aid, such as antiseptic wipes, tweezers (for removing dirt and small stones from wounds), bandages and gauzes and tape to secure these in place. However, it’s also advisable to pack a big plastic syringe and a dose of hydrogen peroxide, which should aid in inducing vomiting should the dog have ingested poison of any kind.

And this is a good juncture to point out that while you’re out with your pal, you should look after yourself too. Making sure the first aid kit has enough to help you out of a sticky situation’s a must, as well as having food for yourself (maybe granola bars for energy) or perhaps you fancy giving supplements a go to keep up your vitamin and nutrition levels? Both Biocare probiotics (to maintain gut bacteria balance and healthy bowel function) and Megahydrate (for full-body hydration thanks to its silica hydride ingredient) are good examples.

Pick up the poop!

This should be a no-brainer; hopefully it is. If you’re putting so much effort into ensuring you enjoy the great outdoors with your pooch you should also take the time to be a good dog owner by cleaning up after your canine chum. To that end, bring with you a roll of bags or recycle a plastic shopping bag – it’s good for the environment; in a way!

And finally…

If you love the idea of roaming the countryside with your dog enough, you might be prepared to fork out for a doggy life jacket. For the pooch that has everything then? Well, yes; but this bit of kit will enable them to paddle away to their heart’s content and ensure you have total peace of mind as they do so. Be sure to opt for a version that sports a handle on the back, though, so you can pull them up and out of the water when it’s time to be getting on – or even time to be going home!

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