Dragon Quest VIII for the 3DS

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Dragon Quest has been a long standing classic series, and one of the most memorable of them is Dragon Quest 8. This game was originally released for the PS2 and is now available for the Nintendo 3DS.  Dragon Quest sports characters and environments (which are beautifully designed) as well as enemies with unique oddities including slimes, Drackies, bone barons, and sabercats are all included.  Not only is it a portable version, but there are also quite a few extras packed in as well.  Now you can defeat monsters and add them as backup for your own battles, adding a new dimension.

There are also 2 new characters, monster arena owner Morrie and Red the bandit.  You can now save anywhere during the game, which is fantastic, and a very important update is the fact there are no more random encounters.   So if you are searching for some health, no need to get as nervous as you make your way about, just be quick and stealthy.  The alchemy pot is another addition, where items are added and new items are made- (such as potions or weapons) there are many possibilities.  There are also new weapons, new side missions, a whole new ending available, and a new dungeon as well.  You also now have the ability to take pictures in game and share via StreetPass with your friends on the 3DS.

The story itself follows your adventures while trying to defeat an evil villain with a magical staff who cursed the kingdom of Trodain.  Along with your friends Yangus the bandit, Jessica the magical minx, and Angelo the knight, you explore and battle your way through this game experience.

Dragon Quest is a classic RPG where planning and careful game play are rewarded with leveling up and new equipment.  Many even say this is the title to get your feet wet with in the Dragon Quest line of games.  Dragon Quest 8 is available now on the eShop and at retail stores everywhere. Enjoy.

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