Home Security Tips and Advice to Avoid Burglary

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If you are a property owner, you will need to be proactive if you want to reduce the risk of being a victim of burglary. While crime rates are relatively stable, home invasions and robberies can occur at any time so it would be prudent to take proactive measures to remain safe.

  • Installing Fake Surveillance Cameras

If you have the budget to purchase a fully automated home security system then that would be the best option. Property owners that do not have the budget for a high-end security system should install fake surveillance cameras. These cameras act as a deterrent to prospective burglars so be sure to add it to your property.

  • Get Rid of Flyers and Newspapers

Criminals look for signs that you and your family are not around. One potential sign is a large number of newspapers or flyers building up on your driveway. You should remove them whenever you come home from work or cancel them completely. Most flyers are available online so you can find bargains while saving the environment. If you need to get the physical flyers ask a neighbor or someone you trust to pick them up while you are away.

  • Properly Landscaping Your Property

Regular lawn and garden maintenance does more than improve your home’s appearance, to burglars it indicates that the residents are home. An overgrown lawn is a clear sign to potential burglars that you are not around. If you are considering revamping your landscaping, there are many simple planting designs to keep potential criminals at bay as well as enhance your property value.

  • Upgrading the Locks on Your Doors

You should consider upgrading the locks on the doors throughout your home. A well-designed lock will reduce a burglar’s chance of gaining entry into your home. This is not a job you should attempt on your own but instead seek out a locksmith that specializes in burglary prevention. Make sure the locksmith you choose has a great reputation and has been active in the community for a considerable number of years. “Digital locks can be a great addition to your home and help improve the security of your belongings, ranging from a basic digital lock to a more advanced biometric fingerprint reader”  said a spokesperson from QuickPick locksmiths, a lock supplier and well established locksmith Newcastle company.

  • Install Timers on Your Indoor and Outdoor Lights

By having your property well-lit it will give off the impression you are home even when you are not. There are apps that will let you remotely control the lights of your home via the internet. If you are not willing to use these apps, having the lights on timers will help reduce the chances of being a victim of a burglary.

  • Keep Your Vacation Plans Off Social Media

While it’s natural to want to share your holiday pics, you should avoid talking about upcoming vacation plans on social media. Sharing holiday pics is fine, but while planning for, and away on, vacation hold off any public messaging until you are back home. There are criminals who surf social sites trying to find out your routine and if they find out you are going away on vacation they will target your home. By keeping your social media activities on the down-low you are less likely to be robbed.

If you implement all of these suggestions you should be able to reduce the risk of having your home robbed, so don’t delay following through with these suggestions.

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