Beyond Cosmetics- 4 Ways that Botox can help improve your life

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Today, with the recent breakthroughs and innovations that technology has been experiencing, a lot of medical operations, minor or major have improved and added more benefits to their patients aside from the primary treatment it provides. In fact, even in the cosmetic industry, common operations such as botox and liposuction have been upgraded to not just improving one’s physical appearance but also to boosting their immune system or improving their overall blood circulation. For instance, botox is a simple cosmetic procedure which involves the injecting of a muscle relaxant in order to eliminate or significantly lessen the wrinkles, lines and other facial lines that have appeared due to age, stress or medical disorder. However, due to the advancements of technology, a simple botox procedure can help you improve your health in many ways that you have never expected. Below are 4 ways that botox can improve your life.

  1. The jaw

Experts have recently discovered that the masseter muscles, which form a major part of a person’s jaw and is widely responsible for chewing can be reformed or decreased with the help of botox injections.

  1. Dealing with Migraine

If you are having a hard time dealing with migraine, then getting a botox injection might just help you a lot. Aside from the physical improvements, it can provide to your facial muscles, botox injections also have been proven to significantly decrease the effects and symptoms of a migraine. This is because a migraine usually deals and is partly caused by the muscles and nerves around your face, and by getting a muscle relaxant that specifically aims to relieve these muscles from stress and aid in their regeneration, pains from migraine will naturally be alleviated or decreased to a certain degree.

  1. Treatment for Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s palsy is a type of facial paralysis that makes the patient lose control on the facial muscles on the affected area. Its symptoms include mild or severe facial twitching, weakness, or the loss of control over your facial expressions and movements.

Fortunately, with the help of botox injection, bell’s palsy can be treated to an extent. By injecting botox to the affected area of the face, the muscles and nerves will be able to relax and the tightened and stiff muscles will be relieved of stress. This will result in a more balanced facial expressions in the affected area whilst also slowly helping you regain control of your facial muscles.

  1. Relief from Enlarged Prostates for Men

Prostate glands play a very important role in the bodily of functions of men as it is mainly responsible for the performance of their respiratory system. Males that are suffering from enlarged prostates have proven to be treated with the help of botox injections. Furthermore, the effects of botox injection to the prostate gland can last up to a year. With the help of botox injections, urinary and other respiratory infections are significantly improved if not treated fully.

If you want to learn more about botox injections, the process, costs, place, recovery and other benefits, then check out these guys at, Skinclub.

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