Taste McCrea’s Caramels

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Caramel lovers, McCrea’s is a must!

On apples, in desserts, or solo, caramel tops the charts as a fan favorite. McCrea’s Caramels take your expectations on what this sweet gooey goodness can be to a whole new level. The smooth creamy texture that melts in your mouth is just the beginning. The flavors offered are exciting and give these caramels an extra kick.

Ginger Fusion, Dark Roasted Mocha, Tapped Maple, and Black Lava Sea Salt are just the beginning of the options offered by McCrea’s Caramels. Each bite packs a punch as all of the caramels are truly infused with flavor. Classic options like the two salted caramels, Black Lava Sea Salt and the Cape Cod Sea Salt, are a perfect balance of sweet and salty while having subtle distinctions in flavor from the different salt sources. A side by side comparison is a fun activity to try.

The newest addition to the “Flavor Family” is Anisette to join the liquor-infused options like Irish Coffee and Single Malt Scotch. Inspired by the anise infused liqueur, Anisette caramel is a great combination. The result is a smooth treat that brings this unique taste to a new form.

If you have a friend or family member with a passion for any of these flavors they make a great gift or addition to a gift basket. My mother LOVES ginger and McCrea’s Ginger Fusion Caramels are at the top of my list for her holiday presents. With a company like McCrea’s where the goal is to make the best caramels science and nature can come together to create there is no going wrong with any choice. I say science since Jason McCrea who develops these caramels has a background in chemistry that brings a new level to this classic.

Find out more about McCrea’s on their website – mccreascandies.com

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