#sponsored Cold and Flu Season Giveaway #ColdFluPrep #SickJustGotReal

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Tis the season, and I sadly don’t mean the Holiday season. It is the beginning of Cold and Flu Season and the perfect time to start preparing for what may come. Your first line of defense is prevention. Sometimes also the best answers are the simplest when it comes to this topic. SOAP!

My #1 trick is wash your hands. I know, we have all heard this before, but there is a reason for it being repeated so often. It’s true! The minute you come in the door, wash your hands. Kids playing with their toys? Wash their hands. Handling books from the library? Wash your hands. Before every meal and after every playdate. Get into the habit of good hygiene and hand washing.

This goes hand in hand with #2, Don’t touch your face. All those germs you come in contact with, that you haven’t had a chance to wash off yet, let them stay on your hands. Don’t bring them up to your eyes, nose, and mouth. Start to pay attention to how often your hands make contact with your face and think a little about what you have come in contact with recently. Would you ever touch your face to a bathroom door handle?

Now no matter how careful you are there are still going to be times those sneaky little germs get past your guard. This is what you need to prepare for. You don’t want to be running to the store at 1am for Children’s Advil when you can have it already stocked. Or run out of kid’s Robitussin just when your little one needs it. On a cold night there is nothing worse than a long drive to find a 24 Hour store.

So #3, Be prepared to nip these illnesses in the bud before they bloom! There is nothing to bring you down like a full blown cold, but with a well stocked medicine chest you will be ready to stop infections right away. Don’t ignore the symptoms. Treat them right away and get back on track for your whole family.

So to help with #3 we are excited to be offering a $25 virtual Visa gift card and additional Pfizer pediatric products to a lucky winner. You will receive 1 Children’s Advil® Suspension, 1 Children’s Robitussin ® DM Day/Night Pack, and 1 Children’s Dimetapp® Cold & Cough. Stock up now for the Cold and Flu Season and save yourself a lot of headaches later.

*Please note, the virtual gift card can be used for online purchases only.

Feel free to enter by using the RC code below. Ends Nov 30, 2017. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I would keep it to use it with my family. Thanks for the chance to win such an amazing giveaway.

  2. Laura Emerson says

    I would keep it for myself as with a 6 and 8 year old in flu season it would really help.

  3. I would give this to my daughter.

  4. I would keep this for my family.

  5. I would keep it incase the kids get sick.

  6. I will gift to my daughter!!

  7. I would keep it and use it for my family.

  8. susan smoaks says

    i would keep it for myself. we could use it.

  9. Stephanie Liske says

    I would keep it!

  10. I’d keep it!

  11. Betty Curran says

    I would keep this for my family

  12. Michele Pineda says

    I would give it to my son for my grandsons as this is the time of year they tend to get sick.

  13. I would keep this for myself.

  14. I would give this one to myself if I won it.

  15. to my brother

  16. Danielle Wood says

    I would keep it to stock my medicine cabinets up for the kids and use the gift card towards Christmas shopping

  17. So many great, staple worthy products. I would keep this myself, with little one these products are must haves!

  18. I would give this to my college aged daughter. Living in the dorms, someone is always getting sick and passing it around.

  19. i would give this to my daughter

  20. I would keep this for myself!

  21. Jennifer Boehme says

    I would keep this to help my family, it’s needed every year at some point.

  22. I would give it to my sister for my niece

  23. Susan Christy says

    I’d give this to my niece for her kids.

  24. I would give this to my sister in law.
    Thank you!

  25. Anne Higgins says

    I would give this to our kids to help keep all the grandchildren comfortable when ill. And, if they feel they want to keep my cupboard stocked – I will be happy with their decisions as the grandkids spend lots of time here, too!

  26. Susan smith says

    I would keep this GC and use it to stock up our medicine cabinet.

  27. I would use the gift card to stock up on medication.

  28. beth shepherd says

    I would give this to my daughter. Thank you

  29. Mary Gardner says

    I would give this to my daughter.

  30. I will give it to my granddaughter

  31. I would keep this for myself, probably to buy medicine lol

  32. I would definitely keep these for myself! Fall is horrible for colds!

  33. My sons and I would use these

  34. Angela Saver says

    I would keep this for my family for the upcoming cold and flu season! Thanks for the chance!

  35. Alyce Poalillo says

    I would keep it and use it to stock up our medicine cabinet.

  36. Patricia Wojnar Crowley says

    I would use this for my family!

  37. Sarah Hayes says

    this would be for our family to use

  38. Audra O'Hara says

    I would keep this. It’s getting about that time…when everyone you know is sick.

  39. I would keep it for our family. Winter always brings the germs home with the kids from school.

  40. jeremy mclaughlin says

    Would keep this for my family.

  41. Monique Rizzo says

    I would give it to my Sis in law- she has a new little one.

  42. Debbi Wellenstein says

    I will keep this for my family’s use.

  43. I would keep this for my family.

  44. I would keep this! We definitely need to stock up on cold and flu products since the season is upon us!

  45. Kim Henrichs says

    I would use it for meds that we need!

  46. Tabathia B says

    I would use this for my children.

  47. I would share these products for my family. It would be great to be stocked for the upcoming cold and flu season.

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  48. I would give it to my sister for the little ones

  49. I would keep it for someones stocking during the holidays.

  50. I’d give it to my sister.

  51. bill norris says

    I’d use it actually

  52. Cheryl VanBrunt says

    I would give this to my nephew for his kids.

  53. Rajee Pandi says

    This is for my family

  54. I would keep it for my family

  55. I would keep this for my family

  56. I would keep it…I am already out this week from work, and I now need to restock. They say the flu season is gonna be bad this year…

  57. If I won, I would give this to my daughter

  58. I would give this to my niece for her kids.

  59. I’d keep it for my family.

  60. I would keep this for my family.

  61. I would give this to my sister in law so my baby niece can stay healthy during the holidays.

  62. I would give it to my granddaughter.

  63. Cindy Schierl says

    my family

  64. I would keep this for my family.

  65. I would keep this for my family.

  66. Dan Dykstra says

    My cousin has two young kids that could use this.

  67. Tracy Shafer says

    I would give it to my stepdaughter for my grandson!

  68. I would keep this for my family.

  69. I would keep it for our family.

  70. Lori Walker says

    I’d give this to my sister.

  71. I would give this to my daughter.

  72. Margaret Smith says

    I would keep this for my family.

  73. I would keep these for cold and flu season.

  74. Lisa Brown says

    I would keep it to stock the meds cabinet and use thte card for the holidays

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