ZITS! The New Obsession for Kids and Disgust for Moms.

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“We love picking. Make no mistake about it. We love that disgusting little habit nobody likes to talk about. Yup, it is our unique obsession.” – Billy and Summer Pierce

Billy and Summer have designed a product specifically for your family’s popping pleasure. Our family loves them, and we think you will too. Providing you with plenty of pimple popping fun, ZITS are flesh-like toys that are filled with fake pus that spews out when you successfully pop the fake ZIT. These have become quite a hit and have been selling rapidly online.


Popping pimples is a habit for some and just silly fun for others. This bizarre, but brilliant idea is designed to mimic the unique obsession of popping pimples. With all the entertainment the pimple poppers provide, it is easy to see why it has become such a hot product.

The company has gone above and beyond to make a product that is used with all-natural ingredients. Made of silicone, it’s filled with refillable pus that feels like the real deal. It’s so gross – but SO AWESOME!

Their low price of $19.99 gives you a 4-pack of pimples, and for $6 more you can order a bottle of Pimple Pus refills. This is cheap fun that will give have your family giggling for hours. Even better, a portion of their sales is donated to anti-bullying charities.


Pierce states, “You see, one day, my wife and I were driving down the road. She said: ‘How awesome would it be if we could make a pimple that felt real and the pop was huge, just like those videos we watch?’ I thought: “You might be on to something Dear.” For the next year, he worked to create a product everyone would love.

Thanks to Billy and Summer, you can now order your ZITS online. Expect to wait a few weeks to receive your pimples though, as they were in such high demand when they were released. It’s worth the wait. Order yours now!

Happy popping!


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