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- Learn responsibility and communication skills
- Fun features for playtime (Echo Channel, Music)
- Communicate throughout the house
- Novelty of walkie-talkie like communication
- Give your child their first taste of independence; allow them to play in the neighborhood, ride bikes, see friends for playdates, etc. while being able to safely stay in touch with them
- Monitor their whereabouts through GPS tracking
- Enhance their playtime with friends via Instant Chat (chat channel between friends on different accounts) as well as Echo Channel, Music, etc.
- Communicate drop-off/pick-up for after-school activities
- Ask permission for new opportunities
- Independent communication with other family members (grandparents, etc.)
- Healthy and active social life
- Provides all essentials without needing to access internet
- Reverse negative trends and pressures such as less time spent on physical activities and outdoor endeavors
- Thought leadership in tweens – helps tweens be leaders instead of followers
- Relay works over 4G LTE and Wi-Fi, so it has unlimited range and works everywhere a phone does. You could be in NYC talking to someone in California just as clearly as if you were in the same room.
- It’s super simple to use: just press the button, talk and release
- There are two other buttons on the side: one for volume and one for powering on off/changing channels
- You can talk Relay to Relay, or Relay to app. The companion app is where you manage the Relays on your account – you can see where they are via GPS tracking, add channels to your account and talk directly with the Relays on your account
I have noticed a few issues with Relay- one is that they don’t hold a charge longer then 4-6 hours. Another is that they use a very unique charger, so if you lose it or forget it, that will be problematic for charging. A charging wire that is universal is always preferred for ease and so it is easily replaced when it is inevitable lost or damaged.
The biggest issue for me was that you, the parent, will need to have the app up and running on your phone at all times, or you can’t receive calls to your child(ren). Along with the battery drain that causes, is the problem that you won’t always know when your child wants to call you, thus you will likely miss calls. I don’t know if there is a workaround for that, but I have not found one yet.
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