Limiting Stress In The New Year

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Wow – I cannot believe this year is almost over! It has definitely gone by in the blink of an eye, but it has been a pretty stressful year. I am not one to make a ton of New Years Resolutions, but this year, I really want to focus on limiting stress in the New Year. I believe that our lives are too short to live in stress and to do the things that we do not want to be doing. If you are in a job that you dislike, if you are consumed with stress, and if you are ready for change, follow me on this journey of limiting stress in 2019. I am very excited to focus on my family and be able to soak in all of the precious moments and memories that we create over the next 12+ months (and hopefully longer). Here are a few ways that I am limiting stress in the New Year:

new year new you

Wrap Up 2018 To Do’s

Before you get started, you need to make sure that you wrap up the to-do list that you have in 2018. Is there anything you need to get done? Make sure you do not carry over unwanted stress and tasks from 2018 to 2019 because the point of this is to limit stress, not increase it. Look around you and figure out what will cause you stress. Do you have a garage that needs to be painted or a fireplace that needs to be repaired? Maybe you have something that has been on your to-do list for years and you have not gotten around to it. This is a great time to finally get it done because whether you know it or not, what you do not have wrapped up is consistently hanging over your head, especially if it has been on your to-do list for a while.


Create A Game Plan

Create a game plan for the year. What goals do you have? What are you focusing on? Do you want to build up your business, focus on family, or do both at the same time? Whatever your game plan is, write it down, in order to keep yourself on track throughout the New Year.


Huffington Post says, “Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at the Dominican University in California, recently studied the art and science of goal setting. She gathered two hundred and sixty-seven people together — men and women from all over the world, and from all walks of life, including entrepreneurs, educators, healthcare professionals, artists, lawyers and bankers. She divided the participants into groups, according to who wrote down their goals and dreams, and who didn’t… And she discovered that those who wrote down their goals and dreams on a regular basis achieved those desires at a significantly higher level than those who did not.

In fact, she found that you become 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams, simply by writing them down on a regular basis. The likelihood that you’ll transform your desires into reality goes up even further if you share your written goals with a friend who believes in your ability to succeed (what I call a “partner in believing”).”

stress less

Outsource Tasks To Focus On Family

In order to focus on family, you need to make sure that your business and your income is in order. That is why I think it is so important to outsource tasks. First of all – create an income goal. Then, figure out how to get there. One of the most popular ways to increase your sales and income is to hire a full-service marketing agency such as SEO NJ. Brothers Matt and Dan Anton created NJ SEO in order to “offer professional SEO services that help websites increase their organic search score drastically in order to compete for the highest rankings — even when it comes to highly competitive keywords.” Dan Anton is a retired Infantry Airborne Army Ranger Major, who served two tours in Iraq, receiving two bronze stars for valor in combat while Matt Anton is the former online marketing manager of Liberty Travel, a billion dollar travel agency, where he was responsible for digital marketing strategy and execution, managing a 250k budget each month. Together with their team, they offer web development, online marketing, and sales optimization services, with proven results. If you are looking to increase sales and improve your online business, NJ SEO is the company to help you out because they walk the walk and beat out every agency in the area. Just look at their results and success stories on their website and you can see for yourself!


Add Self-Care To Your Routine

No matter who you are, you need to add self-care to your daily routine, in order to limit stress. There are many ways that you can do this, so do not think that you have to take a bubble bath if you hate them. Think about the things that you love and/or the things that relax you and make them happen.

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