No ReGifting Required for Carven Dans Ma Bulle

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Happy Valentine’s Day to myself! I am a Carven girl and I am in love with Dans Ma Bulle perfume.  Sophisticated and edgy, this sensual perfume passed my “waft test” with flying colors.  What is the “waft test?” It’s when you walk by someone and they do a u-turn to share how great you smell!  This happened to me not one, but two times the first day I wore Dans Ma Bulle. My coworker even followed me back to my desk so that I could show her where to find it! I mean you can’t go wrong with this perfume that lures you in with top notes of litchi rose, mandarin orange and peony … and then whack ‘em … captures you with its base notes of vanilla, sandalwood and Patchouli!

Carven Dans Ma Bulle can definitely be a staple in your perfume collection. It’s a great scent for busy mothers, college girls, and professional women.

Carven Dans Ma Bulle ($120.00 – Bloomingdales – Fall 2018)



  1. Dana Rodriguez says

    This sounds really nice. The packaging is very pretty too!

  2. I never heard of it before, but this fragrance has my curiosity! I’d love to sample it.

  3. That sounds fragrant! I have three perfumes and I love the oil-based one because they really last. I’ll take a look for it I hope they have also for men.

  4. I always have a hard time finding a perfume I like. So lately I have been using more scented lotions and body washes. I do love the scent of vanilla though.

  5. I love perfumes that pass the whiff test! I am going to have to look for this one and give it a try.

  6. This looks like an awesome gift idea for Valentine’s Day. What girl doesn’t love a beautiful new scent. My husband is always the worst at picking gifts so I’m leaving him hints this year. This is a great option I’ll be passing along to him this year.

  7. This sounds awesome the way you are presenting it in writing is making me want one for myself!

  8. I love trying out new perfumes, this one looks like it would be perfect for me. I need to try to find this one near me so I can give it a sniff and make sure it is what I like, it looks like it may be.

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