5 Pieces of Home Technology to Invest in ASAP

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Technology continues to exceed our expectations, making our lives more convenient than ever imagined. These are a few of the best home technologies that are sure to make your home life easier.

Home/Office Automation


Image via Flickr by mikemacmarketing

With all the available convenient home technological devices, it’s important to have a good home/office automatic system. Pairing these devices with Amazon Alexa or Google Home can make it easier than ever to remotely control your household. Home/office automation devices can order food for you, purchase items from Amazon, and even provide you with expected weather conditions.

Smart Thermostat

The temperature in your home affects your comfort levels, your sleep quality, and the money in your wallet. Adjusting your thermostat to automatically drop a few degrees as you and your family prepare for bed can give you a better night of sleep in the colder months. It can also significantly decrease your home utility costs. A smart thermostat also gives you the opportunity to control your temperature settings when you’re away from the house. If the house is unoccupied for many hours during the day, you can drop the temperature and then increase it on your way home.

Smart Coffee

Coffee fuels the start of the day for many people. What if you could wake up and have a warm cup of coffee waiting for you? With a smart coffee maker, you can. You simply set your wake time, and the coffee maker will begin brewing before you even get up. With a convenient smart coffee maker, you won’t risk having to skip your morning cup of coffee due to lack of time. Some smart coffee makers give you the ability to adjust brew strength and the number of cups desired.

Smart Plug

You rushed out the door only to wonder if you turned off the coffee maker. We’ve all been there, with that nagging sense of concern that affects the rest of the day. With a smart plug, you can remotely access any electronic device that’s connected to it. Not only do you have the ability to see if you were forgetful, but you can also turn off these devices from your smartphone. This can alleviate concerns, enabling you to focus on your workday or your travels away from home.

Video Doorbell

For some reason, it seems like visitors always come at the most inconvenient of times. Your neighbor’s kid wants to sell you something while you’re in the middle of making dinner. The delivery guy drops off your expensive package while you are at work, leaving it exposed to the neighborhood. With a video doorbell, you no longer have to worry about inconvenient visits. You can access the video feed right from your smartphone, even choosing to communicate with the visitor. You also don’t have to worry about lost packages because you can view the delivery process.

Make your life a little easier by introducing these technological devices into your household. You may have always wanted your own personal assistant, and many of these devices can offer you the same advantages.


  1. […] smart home is one that is filled with electronic devices that make your life easier. They can also make your home safer! You can set lights to turn on and […]

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