Belgian Beet Rock Sugar & Himalayan Salt Stone Set

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all natural sugar

Belgian Beet Rock Sugar

Ideal for sweetening tea or coffee, The SugarLab’s Beet Sugar is authentic Belgian brown rock sugar made popular in tea shops by Teavana. Distinctively packaged in an apothecary jar, this all natural rock sugar is gluten-free, Kosher and non GMO.

Made from sugar beets instead of sugarcane,the rock crystals get their brown colors from the natural presence of molasses.

Himalayan salt

Himalayan Salt Stone Shaver Set

Large Himalayan Pink Salt stones are distinctively packaged with a stainless steel shaver, ideal for gourmet cooks to add just theperfect touch of salt with foodie flair. Includes three or more stones weighing approximately 24 ounces along with a sturdy, premium stainless steel grater.Learn more.

To see the full line of all natural seasonings, salts, sugars and gourmet gifts, check out


  1. Antoinette M says

    I would like to try the beet sugar.

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