How Your Productivity is Determined by What You Eat

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In the hustle and bustle of the modern world, one thing has started to become more important than anything else when it comes to the kind of lifestyle that you are living, and this most important thing that we are talking about is your productivity.

The thing about productivity is that a lot of it depends on the activities you take part in on a day to day basis. What this means is that the more active you are, the higher your levels of productivity are going to be, but this doesn’t mean that your activeness is the only factor that you need to concern yourself with when you are attempting to become as productive as possible over the course of your day.

The fact of the matter is that the things that you consume on a day to day basis matter quite a bit as well, so much so that you would be surprised at just how much of an impact the foods you eat have on your productivity all in all. We are here to tell you how you can maximize your productivity by changing the way you eat, and the original source can tell you more.

Tip #1: Always Eat Breakfast

We all know how stressful it is to have to get up in the morning and try to make it so that you are genuinely able to acquire the maximum amount of energy possible. We are living in a day and age where everyone is so busy that most people just skip breakfast since they simply do not have the time for anything like this so early in the morning, especially when they have a set time that they need to get to work at which is going to lead to a lot of problems if they get to work after the time that they were supposed to.

While it is entirely understandable that you might want to skip breakfast early in the morning in order to save time and potentially get to work earlier than would have been the case otherwise, what you need to understand is that skipping breakfast is going to wreck your productivity to the point where it might just end up becoming more or less unsalvageable. There is a very good reason for this, and you need to understand this reason in order to understand why eating breakfast is so important.

You see, when you wake up early in the morning your body is usually craving some kind of nutritional intake. This is because of the fact that it has spent so many hours asleep and this usually means that your last meal was anywhere between 10-12 hours ago since most people eat a few hours before they go to sleep. If you don’t eat at this point during the day, your body might just end up going into starvation mode and you will find yourself without enough energy and therefore unable to get your work done.

Tip #2: Drink Coffee Carefully

A lot of people make up for this by drinking coffee early in the morning assuming that this would give them some kind of a jump start. While the jump start that you are looking for is going to come from the caffeine that you have consumed, caffeine doesn’t keep you up for very long before making you crash if you have not had other nutritional foods along with the required dose of caffeine. Therefore you need to have a good breakfast with your coffee otherwise productivity is going to be nearly impossible for you to actually end up achieving at the end of the day.

Tip #3: Choose Your Breakfast Foods Carefully

What you eat for breakfast matters quite a bit as well. The most important thing that you need to consume is protein, which you can get in the form of eggs or a variety of breakfast meats that are at your disposal. Having some carbs in the morning doesn’t hurt either because of the fact that it could actually help you keep your energy up throughout the day as long as you are consuming slow burning carbs such as those that come from whole wheat or brown rice rather than processed white bread and white rice.

Tip #4: What to Avoid

You should try to avoid fats as much as possible because of the fact that fats can make you feel sluggish later on during the day. Any food that you have should ideally be as low in fats as possible so that you can ensure that it will give you energy without taking the boost that you have gotten from your breakfast away from you in a manner that would leave you entirely unable to complete the tasks that you have been assigned for the day.

You should also avoid white rice as much as possible because it also has a tendency to make you feel sluggish. In fact, eating too much rice can actually lead to a strange headache like feeling as well as overall low energy levels because of the fact that rice gives you a sudden burst of energy which, when this burst ends, leaves you feeling very tired indeed, and such a thing is obviously not going to be very good for you if you are trying to maximize productivity in a manner that is actually sustainable.

Another thing that you should avoid, or at the very least cut down on, is coffee. Coffee does have a tendency to give you a sudden rush of energy which would help you get work done at a faster pace, but the fact of the matter is that until and unless you are drinking coffee all throughout the day, something that can adversely impact your sleep cycle, it is quite unlikely that the energy you are getting will last which is why you should be careful about this sort of thing and use other methods to keep your energy up and stay productive.

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