Waxing Nostalgic

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mazda protege

Another goodbye.
You’ve all seen my many posts about this car by now, she’s been a staple on this blog and for me for the longest time.
She brought all my kids home. To this house. All the dogs, too.
Drove more road trips then I can count, many featured here on this site and beyond. A whole lot of friends have spent time in that little car. She has acted as a barricade, been to Standing Rock, driven the entire east coast.
Drove me home from my wedding in 2005, and then from my divorce in 2019.
2 car accidents, a million camping trips, a thousand beach days and carpools and carseats and sick days and work days.  Two massive vomit incidents that required professionals. So much sand and wet kid and sunblock streaking and dog fur, but no worries here.
Bringing my beautiful Chaac to the vet to be put down after cancer treatment failed, and to be buried afterward.
I have only 2 friends I’ve had longer than this car.
Then recently, I was hit so hard by an errant driver, neither of us has been right again, but she can’t be fixed.
My first “new” car, the only new car I’ve ever had.
So many memories in this car.
Waxing nostalgic.

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