Tentrr, A New Way to Camp

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Are you camping-curious, but not sure you want to deal with all the tent and sleeping bag related hassle? Have a hesitant spouse? Or perhaps you love camping, as we do, but are ready to try something new and different with your friends and family this fall. We recently headed out with Tentrr, a new company that gives you the camping experience you are after, from the most basic and remote locations to the “glamping” end of things as you desire. The best part? No set up or breaking down, you just go. When you arrive, everything is ready for you, just like a hotel (but way cooler, since you are outdoors and get to spend some time in nature).

easy camping

There is no end to the benefits of spending time in nature, from *physical health benefits like improving your immune system as well as mental and emotional health and well being (boosting you mood and giving you a creativity boost for examples), your whole self will benefit from your time camping. It doesn’t matter if you choose to really “rough it” or not, just being outside with your family will give you a wonderful bonding experience and memories that you can keep forever.

(*These and other health benefits of spending time outdoors can be found at  https://www.health.harvard.edu)

camping with kids

In a similar manner to Airnbn, Tentrr works with private landowners to cater to the camping community. These landowners install a “fully-equipped campsite on their property. Each campsite comes with a canvas wall tent on an elevated platform, bed, wood stove, Adirondack chairs, fire pit, grill, picnic table, sun shower, and camp toilet. Tentrr is perfect for families who love the outdoors but don’t love all the work associated with camping like packing a car full of stuff or pitching a tent.” (Via Tentrr)

family campsites

There are no crowded campgrounds, no tents or campers parked just feet away from your site, so you and your family can truly enjoy the solitude and quiet of nature.  We camped in Tivoli Trails in Tivoli, NY. It was our first experience with Tentrr, and I have to say it was so much easier and thus more relaxing for me (the main packer and set up person) and gave me more time to enjoy rather then rush about that first and last day. It’s really an ideal situation for those looking for a quick weekend trip as well, since it removes the time it takes for setup and breakdown, which can be substantial.

best camping

Also similar to Airbnb, there is an App you can install that lets you keep in touch with your campkeeper, for any questions or last minute issues that might arise. Forget something, get lost, confused about anything? That’s cool, you can message anytime. The messages also come to your email inbox and you are able to reply and talk that way, which for me was helpful since I’m less on my phone then I am on my computer. I know, I’m old.

great family camping

You can opt in for “extras” as well, such as towels, sleeping bags, pillows, etc. You will have all sorts of options when you make your reservation. There is also the ever-useful “camp kitchen” that is already there, and has everything you need to cook and clean up. This was my personal favorite, since bringing your own takes up a lot of space. If yours is not pre-packed, it also takes a lot of time to pack up (and if you are like me, you always forget something).

At this time, Tentrr has nearly 700 fully-equipped campsites in the USA and they are always adding more. Visit https://www.tentrr.com to choose your next getaway.


  1. What a wonderful idea. I gave up camping several years ago because of all the work. This is great.

  2. Maryann D. says

    Such terrific photos! This does look like an interesting and fun way to camp and spend some family time.

  3. I would love to go camping with my daughters when they get a little older. This tent looks awesome and would be a great option for our family.

  4. kathy pease says

    This looks awesome! I have not been camping in years and will have to give it a go this year.

  5. Tamra Phelps says

    I haven’t been camping since I was a kid. I’ve avoided it for a lot of the reasons you listed. A site like this might draw me back.

  6. Michele Pineda says

    very neat idea! I hate putting up tents and with everything ready to go this couldn’t be better. I love to get outside and enjoy nature, but hate having to set up camp.

  7. Tim Willett says

    What a fantastic idea. We love camping but the hassle of pitching the tent when you have 3 kids is always a bit of a pain. It’s also a pain having to pack it all away if it is wet and this seems to solve that.

  8. I love camping. Thanks for sharing!

  9. I love to camp,but aside am getting older, it’s harder to setup..This is a great option I would love to try this!


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