The Novel Mobile Tech That Is Moulding The New Generation

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The Following is a Guest Post. All opinions and the writing is that of the author. 

Humongous smartphones and tablets with under-display fingerprint sensors, gaming smartphones with more power than some computers, smartphone cameras that approach DSLR level in quality, 5G and its promise of changing the world as we know it. Yes, our day to day lives might be incredibly stressed and troublesome, even at, but it never hurts to just sit back and appreciate just how far we and technology have come.


Back in the days, like 2 to 3 decades ago, no one save for a few eggheads and industry leaders knew what the internet was. Few computers were even linked to the Internet and most of these computers were quite huge.


Then there were mobile phones, all of which lacked any intuitive user interface and few of which had internet connectivity. Remember those mobile phones of the 80s that were brick-sized, heavy as sin and with what had to be a 3-foot long antenna sticking out of them? Well, they made users look cool, but that would be impossible to pull off today.


 Yes, technology has indeed changed and massively too. The Youth of today do not seem to understand or appreciate the struggles their forebears experienced when things were less easy and the world was less connected.


The Rise Of Tech

While technology has always advanced at a frightening rate, the last few years have seen it leap ahead at near warp speed. The pace has been so frenetic that it appears each new advance is followed by another one hours later. This has, of course, resulted in the creation of an increasingly connected world and has seamlessly reordered life as we know it.


Technology has now worked itself into every aspect of our existence to the point that we largely cannot exist without it. As of now, most folks never go anywhere without their mobile devices and many are the clinics treating mobile addiction.


With the growth in mobile tech, information of all sorts can be shared faster and to many people. This makes communication essentially effortless, even with someone on the other side of the world.


The New Generation Rules!

The new generation certainly has a lot to thank the gods for. Current mobile tech has made their life so easy that it could be argued that they live in a paradise of sorts. This can be seen in the fact that they can access any information of their choice any time and anywhere. 


Students for example no longer need to make a trip to the library to read a dusty volume or two. Much the same information can be easily accessed using a mobile or tablet and more conveniently too.


The new-gen can as well shop from their mobile and buy just about anything in the world they wish. This can be cars, jewelry, food and even the abominable snowman.


Mobile tech also makes the world of social media possible and the sweet delights attributed to this can turn the brain matter into jelly. Given the ever-advancing pace of mobile tech, it is fair to say that the best is yet to come and that is a good enough reason for the new generation should be very grateful for living in an age such as this.


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