Rise of Tribes

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As a board game, Rise of Tribes is one of the most enjoyable games with fair conflict resolution systems. The game gives you the capability to handle conflict resolution and explore the world of civilization through the gathering of resources in the most strategic manner. While it’s fast and straightforward, the game allows you to plan for the outcome by making the right moves.

How to Play

The Rise of Tribes game is a modular board game design aimed at growing, moving, gathering, and leading various tribe members in prehistoric times. The game board comprises of hexes whereby each hex consists of a particular population limit. When playing the Rise of Tribes, you need to select a specific number of people to manage to trigger or avoid conflict.

A player resolves each of the four actions, namely GROW, MOVE, GATHER and LEAD, by rolling a dice. In each turn, an active player achieves victory by building villages or completing goal cards. This is how a player achieves civilization for his/her tribal faction in the final steps of the game board’s turns.


An active player should shuffle, arrange, and determine the number of game tiles he/she needs to create a playing area. After defining the spatial tile arrangement, each player should then shuffle the Event tiles deck and place them face down into an area above the game board. Each action should be placed with a configuration of three dices, namely sun, moon, and blank.

Next, each player should choose a faction and select the appropriate colors for playing the pieces. The victory point (VP) of each of the players is set to 0, and all Goal cards placed near their tribe members beneath the players’ playing areas. All the other village tiles and resource chits are put to the side.

To start playing, a start player is selected to place his tribe members. Subsequent players will also be prompted to place a higher number of tribe members than what previous players placed.

Dice Placement

Each player is supposed to tactically roll two dice in turn order and assign each die to a specific action. Each of the four actions a player assigns has three spaces that can accommodate three dices.  The die faces that show when you select an action is what determines the efficiency of any action you choose. So, this is the phase for setting up your turns and those of your opponents.

Taking Action

The game provides you with four actions:

  • Grow: Is for adding tribe members to your playing area.
  • Move: Is for moving your members across your playing area to form presence on various tiles.
  • Gather: This is for gaining resources from the tiles where you have formed a presence.
  • Lead: Is for drawing Goal cards from the deck and placing them onto the “In Progress Goals” area.

The success of your actions largely depends on the dice that was present when you took the action. For example, you can only add two tribe members to your playing area when two moons are present, but the number increases to four members if two suns are present.

This is purely a race game that triggers a lot of tension as you try to figure out whether you should constrain your opponents or score points. Focusing on your own game and forgetting to pay attention to limiting your opponents gives the other player an added advantage. So, being able to strike a balance between the two is what makes the game an exciting, enjoyable challenge.

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