5 Tips for Campervan Travel with Children

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Travelling with your kids is an amazing experience, discovering new places together and watching them grow. Campervan travel is an exciting way to spice up family holidays, and with the great deals on campervan hire you should definitely consider it for your next trip. It can be a bit of a challenge the first day, so here are our top tips for travelling in a campervan with children.


Planning is key to campervan travel with children – they can sense weakness! Also, planning ahead will reduce the amount of work and stress during, as you deserve a break too. Below we discuss planning the right campsite, but aside from that there are several things to consider.


Make a list when packing, to ensure you don’t forget anything vital. You can find plenty of examples online. Bring plenty of toys and games, the more the better! Be sure to also plan for rainy days, as those can be part of the experience, and should be embraced for it. Extra blankets and sweaters, as you will always underestimate how cold evenings can get – even in summer! A first aid kit, so that small scrapes and falls can stay small. And a camera, to capture all the amazing moments.


For the drive, plan ahead by getting things to keep them busy, and perhaps a playlist of their favourite songs. I like to download an audiobook, to keep everyone entertained. Also bring enough snacks for on the way, to avoid hangry children and unhealthy choices. Staying hydrated is vital, so pack extra water and juice.

Choosing the right campsite

Part of planning is choosing the right campsite. Depending on the age of your children, you may wish to select a campsite with the appropriate amenities. Campsites have changed greatly in the past decades, and many come equipped with more things than you could imagine! You could select a campsite with a pool or playground, with a petting zoo or sports fields. Maybe you need the right campsite for your relaxation, so go for one with a spa or restaurant. My personal advice would be to go for a campsite that allows dogs, even if you don’t have one yourself. This results in plenty of dogs around for your kids to play with, and many owners would even let them take the dogs for a walk! 


Be sure to clarify the rules with your kids when you reach the site, how far they’re allowed to go. Campsites could be near a forest or roads, so make it clear where they’re allowed. Try to avoid changing campsite everyday, unless your route demands it, as this could confuse children and reduce their experience. Part of the appeal of a campsite for kids is making new friends, so stay at least two nights in a location. 

Enjoying the outdoors

One of the struggles of taking children on holiday is their endless energy, particularly when cooped up in a hotel room. Campsites are ideal for this, as it gives them enough space to tire themselves out. During daily life, children can spend a lot of time indoors and behind screens, so this is the perfect opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors. This is best achieved through fun camping games, such as organising a scavenger hunt! Write them a list of objects they could find nearby, such as “a flower”, “something blue”, and see what they find. 


Also bring sporting equipment, such as a racket or football, to keep them entertained for hours. To continue the fun outdoors, why not BBQ for dinner? Delicious!

Rainy days

Rainy days in a campervan can seem like they’d be a real hassle, but that’s completely up to you. You decide if it is a problem, or a fun opportunity! And your kids will pick up on that too. Consider it a chance to stay cosy in blankets, drink hot chocolate and play games together. A great advantage to a campervan is the space it provides compared to a car or suitcase, so bring plenty of board games and fun things to do.


Need a way to distract the little ones while it pours? You can find plenty of great activity books, with word searches, drawing activities and more.

Home on wheels

Children can struggle away from home, so to make them feel a little more comfortable, bring comfort items from home. Having their own bed sheets, favourite cup or toys, can really help them feel at ease. This reduces the transition and gives them plenty to keep busy with! That’s one of the biggest advantages of a motorhome, as the space allows you to bring more.

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