Best Places to Install CCTV Cameras for Businesses

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CCTV cameras are one of the most cost-effective ways to secure your workplace. Surveillance cameras with highly advanced technology allow businesses to lower risk by protecting their assets with continuous monitoring of their areas. If you want to secure your workplace, you can easily find the best CCTV camera company in Birmingham on the internet.  Here are some of the best places to install surveillance cameras for business.

Entry and exit points

Statistics have revealed that 74% of burglars enter homes or offices through the front door. Hence, it is very important to secure the entry and exit points. Installing CCTV cameras at the front/back doors will allow you to keep track of who is entering your premises and if their entry is authorized or they have trespassed. CCTV systems will also protect your employees both directly and indirectly. When installed at the entry/exit points they can record the suspicious activities and allow security officers to take action on it.

Installing monitors near the entrance can also be a great idea. This will make visitors aware that they are under observation right from the moment they step in your organization. In addition, you can place a camera near the monitor to get a better facial image of the visitor when he observes the footage on the screen.


The next important place to be covered with surveillance cameras is your office reception. The reception is a high-traffic spot and it is also the first area where outsiders step into when they enter your premises. This location can also provide you with clear and identifiable images of the employees and outsiders. If the size of your reception counter is large, you can install a wide range CCTV camera.

If you feel that installing a CCTV camera at the reception is a flagrant violation of your worker’s trust, you could consider placing a covert camera which can merge with the office décor. For instance, you can place the cameras in clocks, camera frames, sprinkler heads, smoke detectors and so on. Keep in mind that using covert cameras may give rise to certain legal issues. Hence, you must be mindful of the laws in your state before using these cameras.

Parking area

Your parking area also needs CCTV surveillance. CCTV cameras in the parking area deter burglars from targeting your employees and customers when they’re walking to their cars. Parking CCTV systems can record license plate numbers, which can be helpful if a burglary or some other crime takes place. Surveillance cameras in this area will help in settling auto collision disputes and they can also help you in getting a discount from your insurance provider. Cameras that can pan and zoom by remote control will be a great choice to install in the parking area.


Your warehouse is where you store all your inventory, and hence it can become a major target for burglary. You can protect your warehouse by installing CCTV cameras at various locations within and outside your warehouse. Ensure that the warehouse is well-lit all the time so that you can get clear recording and images.

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