Five ways to avoid high blood pressure

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If your doctor has told you that you may have high blood pressure or that you may be on your way towards having high blood pressure, you may need to start being careful with your lifestyle.

With more and more lawsuits popping up against pharmaceutical companies over dangerous blood pressure drugs, it is essential you try and control your blood pressure before you need medication for it. Large class action lawsuits are being fought against brands like Lipitor, which are used to treat blood pressure. If you have been prescribed Lipitor and feel it has caused you harm, make sure you speak to a specialist Lipitor lawyer.

Here are some recommendations for lowering high blood pressure.

Lose weight 

As our weight increases, often, our blood pressure does too. If you are overweight, you can struggle to breathe while sleeping, which causes sleep apnea and a higher blood pressure.

Losing weight is probably the most effective change to your lifestyle; you can make to lower your blood pressure. Doctors believe that for every kilogram of weight you lose, you can reduce your blood pressure by 1mm of Mercury.

Exercise often

Make sure you exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, as many days of the week as possible. If you have high blood pressure, you can avoid hypertension by exercising regularly, as well as feeling better and healthier in general. Luckily exercising and losing weight go hand in hand. Some great examples of simple aerobic exercises you can do every day are jogging, hiking, bike riding, swimming, HIIT, and dancing.

Doctors also believe that strength training increases the body’s anaerobic ability, lowering blood pressure and increasing stamina and strength, so hit the weights!

Eat healthy

Another change that goes hand and hand with exercise and weight loss. Aim to eat a diet that has lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and this can lower your blood pressure massively. Bad eating habits are a massive cause of blood pressure problems.

If you are struggling to change your eating habits, we suggest you keep a food diary. This allows you to track your habits and find out where you are most likely to indulge in bad foods, aim to exercise around those times to keep your mind off the junk food.

Reduce Sodium intake

If you reduce your sodium intake by a small amount, your heart will thank you. It will also reduce your blood pressure quite substantially. Sodium has a massive effect on your body, and blood pressure, if you can, limit your intake to under 2300mg a day.

Limit the amount of alcohol you drink

If you drink too much alcohol, you can raise your blood pressure by several points. However, having a drink or two a day can actually potentially lower your blood pressure. So stop binge drinking and swap out for a single glass of wine, and you will see the benefits quickly.

Having high blood pressure does not have to be the end of the world. With careful monitoring and a swap to a healthy lifestyle, you can lower your blood pressure quite rapidly. A healthy blood pressure will ensure your body stays healthy. So follow our tips and enjoy the benefits of having a healthy blood pressure.

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