Buying tips for wood watches

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A lot of people have developed affection for wood watches. It wasn’t long ago when carved wood watches weren’t a thing. But today, several companies are producing top quality wooden watches. However, there are few things which you need to focus on while buying them, take a look:

  1. Has the watch company been in the market for quite some time now? If the retailer doesn’t have good amount of experience, then you cannot rely on their services. Don’t purchase a wood watch from kiosk in malls. It is like purchasing diamond ring from a street vendor. The kiosks don’t have legitimacy. You can choose a reliable store online and do your purchase.
  2. Does the wood watch company has a big range of variety to offer you? A lot of companies just present you with 2-3 styles of wood watches. No, have options of several types, varieties and designs of wooden watches available online for you. And, every category should have at 30-40 different options to select from. It will ensure that the company is serious about its production, sale and client management. Companies like Havern offer you with over 40 different styles of wood watches.
  3. Can the company offer personalization to you? Nowadays, several companies are offering engraved wooden watches. Yes, you can personalize your wooden watch as per your preference. All you need to do is tell them the engraving you want and it will be done behind the dial. 
  4. Does the company offer adjustable band? Well, not every wrist is same. Hence, the watch company should provide you with adjustable band options so that the wood watch can easily fit on your wrist without any problem. While choosing your watch make sure the wrist band is adjustable.
  5. Does the watch company provides you with an instruction pamphlet or reveals all the info about the watch on its website? While selecting your watch, make sure all the details related to the watch are properly mentioned. Serious retailers will provide you a manual related to the adjustment of the watch and the right way to take care of your wooden watch. 
  6. Check out the return/ refund and shipping policy of the company. While making your purchase, it is important to check the refund, return and shipping policy of the company. If the site doesn’t have these details mentioned, it is not a professional website.
  7. Find out the movement of the wood watch. A good retail store mentions all the details about the watch, movement being one of them. Naïve retailers may not know this. So, check out the movement of the watch before buying one.
  8. What is warranty of the wooden watch? The retailer should clearly state the warranty of the watch. Also find out how it will be repaired, in case it gets damaged within the warranty period. 

Once you are okay with all the above points, you can easily buy wooden watches online and enjoy wearing it as a treasured accessory.

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