6 Bathroom Hacks to Help in Reducing the Carbon Footprint

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Bathroom Hacks That Will Cut Down on Your Carbon Footprint

Carbon footprint is defined as the amount of carbon dioxide freed into the air as a result of human activities. Carbon dioxide is known to be the foremost contaminant and leading cause of global warming. It leads to a destructive effect that pollutes the planet.

First, let’s explain what global warming is. Pollution from carbon footprint has caused the surface of the Earth to endure high temperatures. In scientific terminology, it is referred to as global warming. More so, the oceans become acidic, and we experience harsh weather conditions. 

Due to the change in the ecosystem, we all must intercede with climate change and adjust our lives. No more than simple hacks will reduce our carbon influence noticeably. The strategies that will lead us to reducing carbon emission should start with how we live our daily lives. That is why we have committed the rest of this article to covering 6 simple bathroom hacks that you can apply to reduce your carbon footprint.

Use of Refillable Soap Dispensers

The first bathroom hack to reduce carbon footprint involves using refillable liquid soap dispensers. This will manage soap spillage, hence saving you some cash and conserving the environment. However, you can cut carbon footprint by using a non-disposable soap dispenser.

It is more beneficial and eco-friendly to use glass as opposed to plastic. There are also health benefits to using glass soap dispensers. You can buy them online or in shops near you. Learn more about different soap dispensers recommended by GiftWits and pick one that best suits you.

Use of Low-Flow Shower Heads

According to the New York Times, we need to drastically change our lifestyles if we want to lessen the carbon footprint. One way to do this is through the use of low-flow showerheads while taking a bath. Showering for a long time using standard showerheads will waste a lot of water. What is more, the low-flow option will save you some cash too.

It is a good idea to purchase a low-flow showerhead that will save water while minimizing your water bills. It’s advised that you also shorten the showering time, making it no longer than 5 minutes. Make sure to purchase the best low-shower heads from the best dealers.

Avoid Bathroom Leaks

Another idea would be replacing your old fittings through renovating your bathroom and using greener eco-friendly fittings. Here, the plumbers’ work will be to overhaul and check the broken or aged fittings to make sure your bathroom water pipes are not leaking. Also, check for any old or broken fittings, valves, shower pipes, bathtub, and sinks.

Calling plumbing and remodeling services regularly will save water and energy, hence reducing the carbon footprint. It will also reduce the cost of replacing fittings with brand new ones repeatedly. Apart from that, it will minimize carbon footprint in the form of car emission that would be necessary to deliver new fittings for your bathroom.

Use of Energy-Efficient Products

Refining your home is a good way to save money, and more so, shield the environment by reducing the carbon footprint effects. This is an easy and simple task that you can do yourself by changing your bathroom appliances with energy-efficient counterparts.

These electric devices include the LED lighting and energy-efficient water heater. To learn more about energy-saving products, make a point of reading this review from Forbes. By using energy-efficient products, you will be reducing your electricity bills, improving the environment, and reducing the carbon footprint in an effective way.

Recycling in the Bathroom

Another effective and efficient hack for reducing carbon footprint in your bathroom is through recycling and reusing bathroom items. If you are not using certain items again, especially when remodeling your bathroom, you can opt to sell or donate them to other people.

Fittings such as sinks and taps can be resold or donated as opposed to being disposed of. This will help reduce the amount of waste in the environment. The use of eco-friendly bins for waste is also a brilliant way because almost any trash can be used in a reusable manner, as opposed to disposing of it carelessly.

Use of Eco-Friendly Bathing Soaps

The use of bar soap compared to liquid soap is more eco-friendly and will reduce carbon footprint. Moreover, it is very pocket-friendly. And remember: those tiny bar soap leftovers shouldn’t be thrown away.

You are supposed to store those little bits in a container. You can choose to make a liquid bathing soap, or just mold the leftovers together and get a reusable bar of soap. By doing that, you will reduce the carbon footprint impact.

Final Remarks

The above hacks are just a few of go-green tips that will help in reducing the carbon footprint by a wide margin. We must save our environment starting with the homes we live in. There are many ways to do that, and your bathroom is just the start of the journey.

There are other energy-saving methods like fitting special heat-recovery systems, using dual flush and fixing eco taps. These too are very efficient bathroom tips that will help you do away with the carbon footprint.

Radically changing the status quo of your bathroom may be too much for most of us. So take your time and implement one hack at a time. Trying to do everything at once may actually lead to the opposite effect – giving up on this eco-venture entirely.

It is our responsibility to involve ourselves in activities and lifestyles that will reduce the carbon footprint. As mentioned above, you shouldn’t stop at your bathroom. Spread your new eco-friendly ways to other rooms in your home and beyond. There’s plenty of work to be done if we want to save our planet, and there’s no better way than starting with yourself.

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