Temporary Closure of New-York Historical Society

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In response to heightened concerns relating to the spread of novel coronavirus COVID-19, the New-York Historical Society will close temporarily as of Friday, March 13 at 6 PM until the end of March. All onsite programs will be cancelled through the end of April. These decisions were made to support New York City’s efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 and to prioritize the health of our staff and visitors. Although no case of COVID-19 has been connected to the Museum, we are taking these preventive measures out of an abundance of caution to help ensure everyone’s safety. Visitors who have purchased tickets to a program will be contacted shortly to arrange either a refund or a ticket-to-donation to New-York Historical. In the meantime, New-York Historical is encouraging the public to stay connected online and explore our wealth of digital content at nyhistory.org. We are also offering curated digital content through our weekly eblasts.

We will continue to monitor the situation closely, and look forward to resuming full operation as soon as possible. We will continue to follow guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control, Governor’s Office, Mayor’s Office, and Department of Cultural Affairs. For future updates, please visit nyhistory.org.


  1. Maryann D. says

    I am hoping that soon places to visit will be up and running. It would be nice to visit some locations in NY again one day, safely!

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