How to Mold Proof Your Bathroom

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The bathroom among most rooms in the home has a lot of moisture present and also lacks ventilation. This makes the bathroom a convenient place for mold to grow. You can see fungus appear in bathroom walls, tile grout, and it causes several health problems. Such as respiratory and allergy issues that can persist to other more chronic health issues if not treated early. Therefore, it is vital to find ways on how to mold-proof your bathroom as some of the tips in the article below. 

Opt for mold-resistant paint 

As you enjoy a steamy shower, the walls of your bathroom absorb the moisture. Therefore, through this, it is easy for mold to grow easily as the conditions present are supportive. So, it is vital to choose mold-resistant paint or one with mold-resistant additives added to it. This will give your wall an extra measure of protection that is necessary against harboring any mold. However, if you already have mold on your bathroom walls. Do not use the mold-resistant paint to cover up as it will not help. First, you need to call a mold removal company to remove the mold. Then, you can paint with mold-resistant paint afterward. 

Let in the light 

One of the perfect conditions for mold is where there is darkness and when there is moisture present. Like in this case, the bathroom conditions can promote faster growth of mold. Ensure you find a way to let light in, either it is through having bathroom lights on or it is from natural light. Any of this will help you ward off the pesky fungus. So, leave the curtains open after showering, to give the bathroom some light and also, if there is no natural light avoid shutting the bathroom lights after showering. 

Maintain clean items around the shower

The shower has a lot of items that are kept there for convenience as you shower and freshen up. Therefore, as you maintain a clean shower by scrubbing the tiles and the floor as well. Any items that are kept in the shower must be kept clean. Remember mold hides best in neglected places such as your loofah, underneath your shampoo bottle, among others. Importantly, wash your hand towels and shower curtains often and through this, you can keep off mold from the bathroom. The windows, bathtub, and sink corners are among other areas that you can try clean as people avoid them since they are hard to reach areas. 

Proper ventilation 

A wet bathroom is a perfect breeding ground for mold to grow. Yet, such damp conditions are where it thrives best. Therefore, you need to ensure your bathroom has proper ventilation to make the bathroom a safe place that has no mold by eliminating excess moisture. One way to improve this is to ensure that as you shower, your exhaust fan is on to remove the moisture from the steam and you can also leave it on for another 30 minutes after you are done taking a shower. In this way, your ceilings and walls will dry well. Optionally, you can open a bathroom window if you have one to air out the room. 

Fix leaks 

Depending on how your bathroom design looks like. You must observe if you have any leaks on any pipes or at the taps. Since you can clean with ease the obvious pools of water by the shower and the sink. Consider how you can deal with smaller drips as well from leaks. Fix leaks that are by the toilet, under the sink, or from the bathroom ceiling immediately you notice any. It is important as procrastinating repairs will allow moisture into the room and with time it will turn into a small mold problem that is another issue you will have to solve. 

Maintain cleanliness 

Keeping your bathroom clean is important if you need to mold-proof your bathroom. Do this regularly to ensure that you create a safe environment for you to live in. Also, choose one day to have a thorough clean up where you clean the grout, showerheads, and other places that many people tend to assume. Assuming the proper cleaning of the bathroom will create more work for you down the road. As you will have to deal with removing mold that is a dangerous fungus to have in your home as it spreads easily. 

Seal grout lines 

Grout lines are a part of the bathroom either on the wall or floor that get water easily. Since grout is porous it is a perfectly hospitable place for mold to grow. Therefore, ensure that you seal the grout lines to avoid moisture being trapped in and also it will help keep the mold at bay. Alternatively, ensure you scrub your grout lines if you have not yet sealed them and wipe them to ensure they remain dry. However, it is best to seal and you can repeat this once every year to ensure you stand up to water and possible mold. 

Get rid of excess water 

Nip mold in the bud by mopping up any water in the bathroom. This should be done as soon as possible after you have had a shower. Also as discussed above, take care of drips and slow-moving water that can cause excess water to be present continuously in your bathroom. In this way, your bathroom remains dry and it becomes easy to have your bathroom staying mold-free. 

To sum up, having a mold-free bathroom is easy if you put to practice the above methods. This notorious fungus can do a lot of harm not only to your bathroom but also to your health. Also, having to clean it up is such an icky job that most people will not like. So, ensure that you eradicate any possibility that supports the growth of mold. In case you discover mold late, you can also have a mold-free bathroom by having mold removal companies getting rid of the mold and after you can implement the above ways to live mold-free.


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