Choosing The Right Clothes for Your Baby

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When a family is expecting a baby, there is always confusion and excitement in equal measures. Confusion is more when it’s the first baby, and not even the most detailed baby guide could prepare anyone for what comes after pregnancy. No one knows exactly what to buy and when, and sometimes new parents end up buying all the wrong items. Baby clothes are some of the essentials that are least understood – parents may buy outfits just because they look cute without any real consideration to factors such as size, comfort and safety. Here are some of the most important factors you should consider first before purchasing any clothing for your baby: 


The fabric that makes up our baby’s clothes is important as it will determine how comfortable, durable and safe they are. Seeing as a newborn’s skin is very sensitive, you should go for very soft fabrics with a smooth surface. Natural wool and silk are ideal contrary to synthetic fibres. The fabric should also both handwashing and washing machine friendly. This ensures that they retain their quality each time they are washed and don’t shrink or expand randomly. Also, be sure to check if your baby has allergic reactions to any materials, and steer clear from them.


Baby clothes can be an all-in-one package that is of high-quality and still be pocket friendly. However, it is crucial to never compromise the quality over price due to the baby’s sensitive nature, in as much as you would want to cut costs. There is a variety of clothes to choose from, and it is advisable to browse extensively to get the best deals before making the actual purchase. The internet has become one of the best platforms to do your shopping because you’ll get reviews and feedbacks from the many clients who have purchased clothes from different stores.


While this is not necessarily an essential factor, it is worth noting that pictures have become the in-thing with baby accounts on popular social media platforms increasing every day. Popular babies are rich babies, and they aren’t popular for nothing. You can always get good quality pictures anytime and anywhere, but your baby’s style will always be the most noticeable factor. Even if you just want to share with your loved ones or to simply keep them as memories before the child grows up, a good taste of style and fashion will make them even more memorable. Your baby can look stylish in the trendiest of outfits and still be comfortable. Well-designed baby clothes of high quality can be even be passed down to younger siblings when the baby outgrows them. It is advisable to shop for unisex clothes as it tends to make it easier to sell them, give them away or pass them down.


Newborns spend most of their time sleeping. You should, therefore, choose clothes that are more suited for sleeping in terms of comfort and safety. Onesies, for instance, are perfect as they cover the baby neck to toe to keep them warm without the need to keep adjusting them. Simple onesies don’t pose any suffocation or choking hazards.

You should also consider purchasing clothes that are easy to change, considering the messy nature of babies. They need to change their clothes a couple of times every day, so the clothes should be easy to remove and put on without unnecessary difficulty. This will make sure that you spend a minimum amount of time dressing and undressing them. 

Regarding safety, please consider flame-resistant sleepwear to protect the baby from burns. Garments without drawstrings around the neck area should also be useful in minimizing the risk of strangulation. 


The worst thing that could happen to you after buying baby clothes is finding out that they don’t fit. Babies grow at a considerable rate. They can outgrow their outfits weeks, and others in just a few days. Before you make any purchases, you should ensure you know your baby’s exact size and can easily convert it to whichever measurements that are being used. If you are not sure how to go about that, please seek help from the store attendant if you are shopping in a physical store, or use the help page for an online seller.

Babies should have enough room to move and wiggle around for the sake of their safety and comfort as they sleep or play. If they are too large, the baby risks suffocation and even tripping if they are old enough to walk. Clothes that are too small are uncomfortable, restrict movement and also create safety issues. For instance, the neckline may be too tight and could cause difficulties in breathing, leading to possible strangulation. Very loose necklines tend to look baggy and less stylish, and may also lead to suffocation.


Seasons change throughout the year, and the weather is never constantly hot or cold. Parents should have a clear plan to get the appropriate dressing according to the weather and climatic factors in their location. You should always focus on clothes that can be utilized immediately, depending on the weather changes. Summer should comprise of light clothes with loose knitting for sufficient aeration and temperature regulation. Tightly knit clothes could overheat the baby in hot weather and lead to severe effects. Warm and slightly heavy clothes should be stocked up for the colder seasons to help the baby retain heat.

Shopping for baby clothes can be just as much fun as it can be a nightmare. The best way to go about it is to have a good understanding of exactly what your baby needs. Ask yourself questions using the factors listed above for a clear picture of what you should be looking out for. Also, remember that at the end of the day, your baby’s safety and comfort will always beat price and style. It will be perfect to get all four in one but you should never compromise your baby’s safety to save a few coins. Happy hunting!

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