Important Updates on Campaign to Stop NJ Transit’s Power Plant

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Our campaign to stop the NJ TRANSIT fracked gas power plant and win a renewable rail alternative is building momentum.

This week, Union City, West New York, and Weehawken all passed resolutions in opposition to the NJ TRANSIT power plant! Six of twelve Hudson County towns have now passed resolutions, bringing our total to 13 resolutions! Our power is growing, especially in the areas that will face some of the worst effects from this pollution nightmare.

We’ve also been busy meeting with our state legislators and generating hundreds of emails and phone calls into their offices.  And after so many of us spoke out at NJ TRANSIT’s virtual board meetings over the past several months, including a fiery exchange of questions from Paula, Logan and Bill at their most recent September meeting, NJ Transit finally agreed to set up a meeting with our coalition!

Our campaign is working, but now is the time to turn the pressure up and defeat this project for good! Will you sign up to take on a volunteer shift with Don’t Gas the Meadowlands? Sign up here:

It’s critical that we continue to engage residents around the proposed power plant site to grow our base of support and to pressure the representatives from these frontline communities to join us in publicly opposing the power plant. 

On Monday Governor Murphy signed landmark environmental justice legislation that will help keep new polluting projects out of overburdened communities.  Since this law will not go into effect for another 12-24 months, we must hold Governor Murphy accountable to his commitments to end environmental racism and fight climate catastrophe by stopping the NJ Transit Power Plant and investing our taxpayer money into a renewable energy alternative for public transit resiliency.

As we continue to see worsening effects of climate change throughout our country and world, it is imperative that we continue to pressure Governor Murphy to end fossil fuel expansion projects and make NJ a leader in moving quickly to a renewable energy future. We hope you can join us this Saturday in Red Bank or virtually from your home as we call on the Governor to enact a moratorium on all fossil fuel projects in our state.

Please visit to learn more and to RSVP for Saturday’s Rally and Paddle for our Future!

Our movement is growing, and together we will win! But it’s critical that we keep up the pressure. Can you sign up to volunteer with Don’t Gas the Meadowlands? 

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