Kickstart Your Morning with CBD Living Instant Coffee

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It’s a universal fact that mornings are rough, and they’re 10x more difficult when you have to wrangle sleepy kids too. If you are like me, you are trying to balance the “new normal” of working from home, kids be schooled from home, and trying to keep everything going smoothly while staying sane (since everything is canceled or postponed and we are all going stir crazy, no? LOL)
Mornings, though. Impossible, even with the new, non-commute many of us now have. And getting the kids into online school isn’t any easier or faster then into real school- on the contrary, it seems to take longer, and you have to stay on top of them all day besides. Arg.
So…..what do you do to give yourself a little boost?
Try new CBD Living Instant Coffee, which has three flavors of delicious instant coffee. OriginalGolden Milk and Matcha. Each flavor contains 7mg of US-grown organic hemp and is made from 100% Colombian Arabica coffee. Even better, CBD Living Instant Coffee is vegan, gluten-free, THC-free and non-GMO.
Using CBD Living Instant Coffee is easy. Simply scoop one teaspoon of CBD Living Instant Coffee in a cup then add hot water, cold water or milk. Stir and enjoy.
Doesn’t get much easier then that.
It tastes pretty good too- my oldest son and I grab it on the occasions when the pot is empty and we don’t want to make a new one for just one more cup. It’s not that watery, blech “instant coffee” flavor that many people associate with instant- it’s totally worth trying and a really good staple to keep in the house.


  1. CBD Living Instant Coffee seems wonderful to try. I am interested in CBD products and I would like to try the Matcha flavor first!

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