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Beginner’s United States Atlas, Third Edition,(ages 7-10) The fully updated edition of this popular atlas introduces young readers to the wonders of all of America’s states and territories, with maps, fun facts, geographical features, and more. It’s accessible design showcases what’s unique about each state and territory and every profile starts with a colorful map and essay and includes capital cities; population; important land and water features; state birds, flowers, and flags. It’s all packaged in a bigger format, with a refreshed design, and bold, bright photos and illustrations.
I would give them to my little cousin!
I would give this to my son.
I would love it for my kids.
I would definitely share this with my grandson, Damien! I know he would get a kick out of these!
would give to nephew!
I would give this to my grandson.
I would give it to my son Adam.
My daughter
I would give this to my son.
I’d give it to my son. He would get a real kick out of it!
I would give this to my daughter.
My son will LOVE this 🙂
I’d give this to my nephew.
Our grandchildren will benefit from this WONDERFUL prize.
i would keep it for when my little cousin comes over
I would give this to my daughter.
I would give these to my twins.
I will give this to the kids
I have three little grand kids in mind. They love to be read to and to read themselves!
I’ll add them to my 2 year old son’s library from when he gets a bit older!