Stargirl’s Season Two Villains

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Warning: This article may contain spoilers for Season One of CW’s Stargirl.

The first season ending of Stargirl answered many lingering questions, but like any good season finale, it also brought up new ones. Although most of the studio is tight-lipped about the show’s second season, there are a few villains that we can reasonably suspect to see, according to Geoff Johns, the show’s executive producer.

The Shade

The Shade is a shadowy character at best. He is said to be an immortal of English descent. He left the Injustice Society after realizing that their current plan for world domination was doomed to fail. The Shade also betrayed Icicle, who died in the first season.

In Season One, you see pictures of The Shade and a bit of his power in the pilot episode, but he remains mostly a mystery. This is not surprising since his superpower is to manipulate darkness itself, hence his name.


By far the scariest villain in Stargirl, Elcipso is the ancient incarnation of vengeance and corruption. So, in other words, he’s the perfect bad guy. Although he isn’t mentioned much in the first season, it seems he may have a huge role to play in the second.

As far as can be discerned from Season One episodes, Eclipso spends his time trapped in a blue crystal waiting for someone to set him free. At the end of the finale, Shiv is looking through a warehouse for the crystal. It appears that she finds it, but you will have to wait for Season Two to find out what she does with it.

Part of what makes Eclipso so terrifying is his ability to empower others’ flaws and feed off the darkness they generate. It is not a far leap to see that he could be working with The Shade in the future, assuming he’s released from that blue crystal.


The scene at the end of Season One’s finale indicates that Shiv will also play a predominant role in Season Two. As a fellow high school student, she is a rival both to Stargirl the hero and to Courtney as a regular teenage girl. She is your typical mean girl in school and even meaner when she is with her father, the Dragon King.

She got her powers as a result of her father experimenting on her as a child. She is physically superior to other humans, can regenerate, and is supernaturally agile. Her father also implanted wrist blades in her, hence the name Shiv. She can shoot these blades at will and retract them back into her wrists without suffering any consequences due to her ability to regenerate.

Other Possible Villains

Other lesser villains are still lurking around. Tigress, Sportsmaster and The Gambler are still alive after the final battle in Season One. They can easily make a reappearance as minor villains in Season two. No one has confirmed or denied whether they will be participants in the new season, but they seem like obvious choices for a comeback.

What’s really going to happen in Season Two? Showrunners, cast, and crew are tight-lipped about how the new season will unfold. But no matter what Season Two has in store, it is sure to include exciting new chapters in the adventures of America’s newest teenage superhero.

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