How To Get Your Furniture Ready For Moving Day

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No matter if you’re going the DIY-way or have professional movers at your disposal – you need to get your furniture ready for moving day. Unfortunately, moving isn’t just done with packing a few boxes. You also want your furniture to arrive intact at your home. You can do quite a lot to make your move a little easier from the beginning. Don’t forget to schedule a pickup for furniture removal with items you want to let go of.


All Good Preparations Start With Decluttering

Your furniture is most likely filled with all sorts of stuff. But have you looked at your clutter? Packing is actually the perfect opportunity for some serious decluttering. You’re pulling everything out anyway. What you haven’t used in ages can as well leave your space. It’d be a dead weight you’d have less to move.

Go room by room and start packing on time. It’s usually best to start packing a couple of weeks before moving day. Start with the items you need the least over the next few weeks. Go room by room, furniture by furniture. Pull everything out and organize it into keep, sell/donate, and junk boxes. Label the boxes accordingly. 

Do the same with your closet. With drawers you can take advantage of a small trick: declutter the drawers and wrap them up before moving day. You can easily transport every single drawer and save on annoying boxes. 

Since Your Furniture is Empty…

Give your furniture a wipe before the move. Firstly, it’ll be easier to transport and you don’t get dirty hands (or the movers, respectively). Secondly, you don’t carry dirt or grime into your new home. 

Then take a good look at it. Do you really want to take all of it with you? Are there items that’d be ready for furniture removal? You certainly have a good idea already where to put which item in your new home. It should also be mentioned that the less you have to transport, the quicker the move is done. 

And the cheaper it will get, too. If it’s wobbly and hard to repair, drop it. If you were thinking of an upgrade, get new furniture delivered to your new home. Drop the rest of it and let the furniture removal take care of the old. 

Disassembly is Crucial

Take each furniture item apart that you can take apart. With some older models, it might not be possible, but more recent furniture can usually be disassembled. For this task, it’s handy to still have the assembly instructions. 

Always keep them, if you can. When you look at the assembly instructions, you basically only have to follow them in reverse order. If not, you’ll have to find your way through each item. 

Collect all screws in a sealable bag for each furniture item. Label it accordingly and either tape it on a piece of the furniture or keep it in an additional small box. If you can, remove legs from tables, too. Also, remove knobs from drawers so they’re easier to stack during transport. 

The reason for disassembly is rather easy to understand: your furniture is not as bulky and easier to transport while it takes up less space in a moving van. You can start disassembly as you pack from each furniture item. Bookshelves are usually very easy to disassemble as well as bed frames. Of course, it’ll be near to impossible, if it’s glued. 

If you’ve chosen to let go of some furniture, you can disassemble it as well. The furniture removal guys could certainly do it, but you’d make their task a little easier. Pay attention that no nails sticking out. 

Wrap it All Up

To make sure your furniture arrives sound and safely in your new home, wrap it up. Use moving blankets and bubble wrap for the more delicate pieces made of glass or ceramics. Moving blankets are perfect for any wooden furniture. Plastic wrap is great to wrap up upholstery to avoid damages. You never know if it might start to rain during the move. Or maybe someone spills a drink. At best, you don’t want to have to call for furniture removal twice.

To save on wrapping material for the smaller bits and pieces, you can wrap dishes in towels, for example. Even though it appears a little chaotic, putting vases or lamps in between bed linen might be as effective. On the upside: you’ll be looking for both items rather soon.

When to Schedule Furniture Removal

Theoretically, the removal team can be around at any time between today and tomorrow. Practically, the guys tend to be rather busy during spring and fall. That’s when most people for a spring or a fall clean and also needs removal. Hence, you might benefit from arranging a pickup in advance. If you’ve got a set date for it, you can easily fit it into your moving schedule. Check your home the day before removal collection for any items you might want to drop. If you forget an item, you’ll have to call them back and pay additional fees.

Fortunately, you usually have a rough idea of which items you’re going to take into your new home. Try to sell your clutter before the guys come around. You won’t only have made a few bucks on the side. What you couldn’t sell can be taken care of by the same team. Such services don’t only remove furniture, but also junk removal.

Parting Words

Since time is likely not on your side during the preparations for your move, hand them your items for donation, too. Almost all services have partnered with charities. They noticed, they often pull out stuff that’s still good to use. What better solution could there be than to hand it to people in need?


  1. Fantastic ! This is a very informative content. Good thing there are junk removal companies who would make things easier and faster for you.

  2. This is a very informative content. In moving, your big furniture at home can be a hassle. Good thing there are junk removal companies who would make things easier and faster for you. However, be careful on choosing the right one and consider those who offer quality services at affordable price tag. Thanks for this.

  3. It’s really tough to move the furniture and relocate during shifting home. I found all the tips are so effective during moving, It’s a really meaningful and helpful blog. Enjoyed reading this fantastic piece of note.


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