Love Dogs? You’ll LOVE Molly.

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Do you love dogs as much as we do? If you are anything like us, you love your 4 legged friend more than pretty much anything. As well, you hate misinformation being spread! So many lies about pitbulls, who are as gentle a dog as you can find. Good with adults, kids, cats, other dogs of all sizes- it’s not about the breed, it’s about how they are trained. If you abuse a dog and train it to bite, that’s what happens. Blame the trash humans, not the abused animal. But Pit Bulls actually have a much lower bite rate then many other dogs, like Chihuahuas or Jack Russel Terriers, as well as a more gentle demeanor. Just like your kindergarten teacher said- don’t judge a book by it’s cover. And don’t believe everything you read- the media did the same thing to the German Shepherds, to the Rottweilers, and on and on. Just can’t blame the actual problem- humans doing awful things. Give these beauties a 2nd chance- they are by and large lovers, not fighters.

Molly A Love Story

Molly: A Love Story

by Dana Brackob is a true story about a cute little Pit Bull, lost and alone in the world until one day she was rescued and given a home. Molly’s story teaches children about the unconditional love that a dog can bring into the lives of a family. As a cancer survivor, Molly overcame adversity, and her story shows that despite every hardship, true love is everlasting. Children and dog lovers of all ages will be touched by Molly’s story and that of her adopted brother Logan, a Siberian Husky who became her best friend.  See more here:

A portion of the sale of each copy of Molly will go to support animal shelters in the Las Vegas area.
Dana Brackob lives and works in Las Vegas. She was Molly’s real-life mom and wanted to share her story. Pit Bulls are often maligned, but Molly proved that they are one of the most loving types of dogs. The illustrator, Evgeniya Kozhevnikova, is a talented Russian artist living in Tomsk, Siberia.

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