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Looking for a fun family activity or a great gift for kids this holiday season? Get kids in the kitchen with Kidstir’s single or subscription cooking kits. Each month brings a new box with 3 step-by-step recipes, kitchen tools, and a brand-new, activity-filled Foodie Fun magazine. In addition to mastering tasty recipes, kids learn hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, improve math and reading skills.

This month’s theme is “Our Merry Table” and includes recipes such as vegan Spaghetti & Beetballs, a guide on how to make your own oat flour, a DIY dog treat guide, delicious gluten-free Macaroon chocolate snowballs, and more. Please let me know if I can send samples or images for any stories.

The items in the box include a small child size oven mitt, small spatula, and many recipe cards. This is not one of those kits that include the food and other items that you will need to cook the food and recipes, you will have to buy those things on your own.

Every months has a different batch of recipe cards, based on what time of year it is and holidays and things such as that. I have no idea if they change up the oven mitt and spatula- both boxes I got had them in it (Oct and Nov boxes) as well as recipe cards for the Day of the Dead and holiday themed things like latkes and eggnog. They might always have that, I’m not sure.
If you are looking for a monthly box of recipes to ty out, this is the site for you. Check out this site or you can visit Amazon and pick one up. Enjoy!
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