Cleaning The House Before Moving Out

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Moving home is a big job. It’s one of the most stressful things you can do in your life, and it’s also a pretty lengthy one! Why? Because you’ve got to clean the house you’re moving out of; sure, there are a lot of repairs and decluttering jobs you need to do in the new place, but the work doesn’t begin or end there! You’re feeling like you’ve got a long list of jobs ahead of you right now, so let’s make it a bit easier; here are the main cleaning tasks to accomplish before moving out.

Clean Inside Cupboards and Appliances

moving boxes

You’ve cleaned out the cupboards, and you’re taking the microwave with you, but there’s still one more job you need to do here. Get a dry cloth, a wet cloth, and some antibacterial spray and then open up all the cupboard doors in your kitchen. Start with the dry, to get all the crumbs out without issue, do an antibac spritz (be sure to leave for 5 minutes!) and then get your wet cloth in there. 

For the oven you’ll need to be a bit more heavy handed. Get a homemade baking soda paste in there, let it rest for a few hours, and then come back later to scrub it all off. 

Steam Clean Carpets

The carpets in your home, unless you’re ripping them up and taking them with you, are going to need steam cleaning ahead of time. It’s useful to vacuum them a couple times, but if you want to get out years and years of grime, you’re going to need a good few hours and a steam cleaner at hand. Make sure to pass the cleaner back and forth three or four times to create the clean difference you’re going for. 

Empty Drains

Next up is possibly one of the most disgusting clean up jobs, but it has to be done. Make sure you’re wearing some gloves and then take off all the drain caps in your home. Get a brush in there and clean the top of the drain out – this is where all the hair and other household debris will collect, and you wouldn’t want the new owners to have to deal with that! 

Hit the Dump

Now that you’ve got all of your garbage in one place, either collect it all together for a one way trip to the dump, or save yourself some time and call in a Garbage Collection Service to deal with it for you. You could also hire a dumpster beforehand to throw large and bulky items into, as well as make it easier to bag up little things and get them right out of the door. This way your only job is to physically clean the house, and the rest is handled for you! 

Moving out of a house requires a lot of elbow grease; make it easier on you by following the tips above during this stressful period in your life.

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