Valentines’ Gift Idea That Gives Back

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Valentine’s Day is about love, affection and giving back to those you care about. Whether it’s a simple heartfelt note, a dozen red roses, or a bottle of expensive champagne, there are endless ways to express those special feelings. However, this year, loved ones can offer one rose or two to a special set of precious animals quickly becoming an endangered species and in need of our love the most, America’s treasured and beloved wild horses and burros.

horse rescue

For brief background, over the last 20+ years, thousands of wild horses roaming our public lands out west have been brutally struck by the government’s giant bow and arrow, stripping away their protections, cruelly rounding up wild horses and giving away public lands to big oil, big cattle, and other special interests. That’s why for Valentine’s Day, there’s a unique opportunity to shower your loved ones with the following special gifts to help protect these beautiful creatures and also indirectly protect the environment since wild horses are a critical part of the overall eco-system that provide important nutrients to the soil they roam on.

Famed Wild Horse Photographer and Author Carol Walker is generously donating proceeds from of the sale of her breathtaking latest coffee table book, Wild Hoofbeats: America’s Vanishing Wild Horses and her photo calendar to the Wild Horse Freedom Federation (WHFF) in support of the organization’s efforts to save these animals and expose how the federal government is secretly implementing policies they know will result in the extinction of wild horses.  Carol was inspired to volunteer and support Wild Horse Freedom Federation after discovering that WHFF’s goals of keeping America’s wild horses and burros where they belong – wild and free on our public lands – aligned with hers.

wild horses

In addition, all who donate to this important cause can download a Valentine’s Day-themed donation certificate (in a loved one’s name) – that includes a custom beautiful photo of a wild horse – that will help keep wild horses and burros roaming our public lands for years to come.  More information on the special book, calendar and certificate can be found on the Wild Horse Freedom Federation’s website at

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