4 Tips on How to Get Ready for Moving Day

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Have you outgrown your current home, or are you in desperate need of a change? In such a case, you should consider moving out. A new home and a new neighborhood can bring a much-needed breath of fresh air into your life.

But you can’t just decide to move out, pack your bags, and leave. Moving is usually a stressful process that requires a lot of careful planning and consideration. It’s undoubtedly exciting, but no one would describe it as fun. Ultimately, though, it’s worth it once you actually find yourself in your new home.

To help you prepare for your moving day, we’ve asked NYC based Oz Moving for a few tips. What they’ve told us is sure to be invaluable to you!

1. Make a Detailed Timeline

The sooner you start planning your move, the better. After all, packing can take weeks, canceling all services and utilities usually has to be done in advance, and finding a good moving company is no walk in the park. So, once you firmly decide that you’re moving, don’t expect to do so in a week. Give yourself at least three months to be safe.

In those three months, you’ll have a lot of work to do, and it may feel quite overwhelming. To avoid feeling too stressed, you should make a timeline of events leading up to your moving day. That way, you will know by which time to complete tasks and how long each activity should take.

So, what exactly should you put on this timeline? Well, for instance, write down when to start packing and how long you expect it to take. Decide on the right time to begin calling moving companies or the day to cancel services and utilities. Try to think of as many things as you can and put them down on paper. That is also how the whole moving process will be much more organized in your head.

2. Find a Good Moving Company as Soon as Possible

Once you decide to move, the first thing on your list should be finding and contacting a moving company. Most of the excellent ones are booked far in advance, so you might have to call them two months before the move to hire their help. So, sit down, look up the best moving companies and choose the one that suits you as soon as possible.

And how do you choose the perfect moving company? First of all, thoroughly check each company’s website, looking at the services they offer and client reviews. Then, call the few you like the most. Through your phone conversations, you’ll be able to decide whether a certain moving company is right for you.

When you find the right company, book its services immediately. If you wait for too long, other clients might pick your date. And then you’ll end up having to settle for movers that you didn’t initially want or that aren’t as reliable as your first choice.

3. Start Packing With a Plan

You already know that you should give yourself enough time to pack and start as soon as possible, but even that’s not enough. Haphazardly packing whatever you come across first is a recipe for disaster. Instead, you need some sort of a plan to guide you through this process.

Before you make a plan, walk around your house and take a look at the things you own. Start noting down items you want to bring with you and those you’re fine leaving behind. Once you make these two lists, consider which of your belongings you can pack right away.

For instance, if you have any items you want to bring but don’t use often, you can put them in boxes immediately. Those usually include family heirlooms, art pieces, and books. Once that is packed, move on to the items you use more frequently but not daily. Finally, when the move is right around the corner, you can pack necessities you couldn’t live without.

But even once you’re fully packed, make sure to have a moving day survival kit with you. It should contain some basics — a toothbrush and toothpaste, a change of clothes, and toilet paper. That will help you get through the day smoother than you would otherwise.

4. Double-Check Everything on the Moving Day

On the day of the move, you need to go through your house once again and double-check that everything is ready. Make sure you didn’t leave anything important behind and that all boxes are properly closed and labeled. Clean all surfaces that may require it and turn off any electronics that still might be working. Then wait for the moving vans to arrive.

Once you load all your belongings, check everything once again. This time around, your house will be more or less empty, so you’ll have an easier time spotting anything you’ve overlooked. When you’re sure that everything’s in order, you can finally leave for your new life.

In Conclusion

Moving is always stressful, but you’ll get through it with ease if you follow our tips. Make sure to stay focused, organized, and don’t let small things get you down. And if you ever feel overwhelmed during the planning stage, step away and find ways to relax. You might be moving, but you’re still allowed to have some time off.

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