What’s Your Home Lacking? An Honest Look

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Homes should provide for all your basic needs. But sometimes, they can fall a little short. While pretty much everyone living in western countries has a kitchen and a bathroom, there are certain things that many of us are missing. 

In this post, we take a look at some items that you’re missing from your home but that can actually make a massive difference in how you live. 

Open Space

clean house

All homes need at least some open space. Unfortunately, many don’t have much of it, particularly those built more than half a century ago. Back then, open-plan living simply wasn’t a part of life. 

The good news is that there are many more ways than ever before to create open space in your home. One possibility is to simply knock through from the kitchen to the living room and create a combined entertainment space. This method is easy, particularly if there are no supporting walls getting in the way.

The alternative is to create an archway in place of the wall. This way, you get the same feeling as an open plan without damaging your building at all. 

If neither of these are options for you, there are still other things that you can do. For instance, you can set up mirrors in your home to make interior spaces feel bigger. Creating a “mirror wall,” for instance, lets you double the size of your rooms. 

You can also try moving furnishings around in your existing spaces to free up floor space. Having too much furniture, for instance, can actually make rooms look and feel more crowded than they need to be. You might have some big rooms in your home but not be using them properly. 

Natural Lighting

Given that many people live in big cities, getting enough natural light into the home can be a challenge. Properties are often overlooked by big city skyscrapers, offices and tower blocks. 

Poorly-lit rooms aren’t great. They can feel cramped and unwelcoming, particularly during the day. 

Fixing natural light issues depends primarily on your circumstances. One idea, put forward by Renewal by Andersen Windows & Doors, is to add bi-folding doors to the rear of the property, particularly if it is south-facing. This way, the whole of the back of your home can be glass, eliminating any potential dark spots. 

If that’s not an option, you can brighten up your home by increasing the size of the windows. Structural engineers will tell you how large they can be without harming the rest of the building. Often by simply increasing the window surface area, you can get dramatically more light into your rooms. 

Of course, you don’t have to rely solely on natural light to brighten dark rooms in today’s world. You can also use lamps and floor lights. 

Lamps are a great option because you can place them anywhere. What’s more, you can get LEDs that cycle throughout the day, mimicking the level of natural light that would otherwise be coming into your home. 

If you decide to use artificial lighting, you’ll want to use a range of lighting sources. Try a combination of sconces, lamps, natural daylight (if that’s an option for you), and table lamps. Don’t just rely on ceiling fixtures. While they are great for illuminating some parts of your rooms, they may also cast shadows. 


If you’re like most people, the storage spaces in your home simply aren’t spacious enough. You just don’t have enough room to take control of all the clutter. 

Fortunately, there are several ways you can deal with this. First, if you have outdoor space, you can build a shed. A large metal barn will provide you with all the space you need for anything that you don’t have room to keep in the house, plus all your gardening equipment and bicycles. 

Another option is to outsource your storage to a third-party storage company. These provide containers and security guards who will monitor your possessions at all times. They can be expensive, but you get a lot of storage for your money. It can totally transform how you live. 

Hosting a yard sale is another approach. You can sell your extra possessions to reduce the total amount of clutter in the home. You can also host a virtual yard sale by selling possessions online. 

Modern Window Treatments

Take a look at the window treatments in your home. Can you honestly say that they are up to date? 

Don’t worry if not: you still have plenty of options. Think carefully about the type of treatments that you would like in your dwelling.

If your home is next to a busy street, sheer curtains on the ground floor can be a great option. What’s nice about these is that they still allow plenty of light to enter the room during the day, but they also give you privacy too. 

For kitchens and south-facing rooms, blinds and Venetians are a good option. These allow you to calibrate the amount of light that enters your rooms, quickly and easily. 

Full drapes are an option in the bedroom when you want to block out street light at night, but you can also use them in many other rooms. For instance, long, flowing drapes work exceptionally well in luxury living rooms. 

Outdoor Rooms

While they are becoming slightly more common, outdoor rooms remain a rarity. Relatively few people have them. 

However, they offer massive utility. They make it possible to enjoy your garden in more ways than you ever imagined before. 

For instance, during the winter, outdoor rooms can provide warmth and shelter. Many are like gazebos, with open walls but a fixed roof that keeps the rain and sun off. They also come with infrared heaters built into them to maintain your body temperature on cool days. 

Even during the summer, outdoor rooms can encourage you to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Comfortable seating, fire pits and even outdoor food preparation equipment all lure you back into nature. 

A Man Cave

While the majority of your home is geared towards family life, it’s still important to have a man cave – somewhere that the man of the house can go to work on projects.

The good thing about man caves is that, by their nature, they can be out of the way. You could set one up in the basement or even in a garden room adjacent to the main property. Just make sure that you have one: it can make all the difference. 


Cellars used to be a commonplace home feature. People used them not just to store wine but also many other types of food. They were a kind of larder before the invention of the refrigerator. 

Now, though, cellars are less mainstream. However, they are still an impressive home feature, and something that many people want. You can use them for all sorts of things, from keeping your wine collection to storing all your Christmas decorations. 

Kids Playroom

In most families, the kids play on the floor in the living room or their bedroom. However, this setup means that children and adults often come into conflict. Kids want to play and set up their toys everywhere while parents just want to relax in a clean and tidy room. 

The solution of course, is a kids’ playroom, but not all homes have one. This is usually a hardfloor room with boxes for toys and, perhaps, a TV. It keeps all of the clutter and mess out of the rest of the house, making things easier to clean up.


  1. […] for your windows count. For example, blinds and shutters are excellent for adjusting the amount of natural light entering your bedroom. Additionally, thick fabrics for your bedroom drapery are also good choices. […]

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