Aunt Nellie’s Review and Contest!

Most of you know Kamikaze is adopted. In her birth country, they were big into pickling their food, as well as certain kinds of food that are not as familiar in everyday cooking to many Americans, such as cabbage and beets. So when this package of Aunt Nellie’s vegetables came, you would have thought it was Christmas! We got 5 jars of cabbage and beets, in various styles. Kamikaze freaked out. Like, for real. As if you had given her chocolate, or toys, or I don’t even know. She went bananas.
Many of you also know, that while Kamikaze likes toys and clothes, the way to her heart is though food. Even upon first meeting her, she wouldn’t look at me for anything- even when I offered her dolls, until I pulled out raisins. I told her I would check out the recipe section later, and we could make some of them for dinner. I went to the computer, started checking my emails, came into the kitchen because it was “too quiet”. You know that quiet? That quiet. She had opened several of the jars and started eating them right out of the jar. I have photo evidence!

Nice face, yes?

I took them from her and made her eat some other food with them as well. I don’t know what 2 jars of beets and cabbage will do to an otherwise empty-ish stomach!
OK, so, besides the jars that Kamikaze ate (which I presume she liked a bit, yes?) We also tried a recipe from Aunt Nellie’sSay Yes to Beets” Recipe contest held from June 15-Aug 13 of this past summer, 2010.
It’s called “Bacon Beet Salad”, and yes, it was good 🙂

I liked it more then the hubs did, and Kamikaze ate it all. Shocking, I know!
We also tried a recommended recipe- Savory Beet and Goat Cheese Crostini. I liked this one a lot, as did the hubs. We ate it for lunch one day while the two Tasmanian devils slept- so no notes from Kamikaze on that one!

Beet & Goat Cheese Crostini


  • 1 (16.0 oz.) jar or (15.0 oz.) can of Sliced Pickled Beets, drained
  • 1/2 cup yellow, red or combination cherry tomatoes, diced
  • 1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. chopped fresh basil
  • 8 ounces fresh goat cheese, plain or with pepper
  • Freshly ground [Read more…]

Our First Try!

We had friends over the other night, and for the first time, we tried making our own sushi.  I think they came out pretty good.  (The hubs is a master in the kitchen!  I got aggravated and almost threw the sushi out the window, lol….) Eventually, they came out!

 here is the before and after….
or I guess I should say the after, then the before, haha…
First you have to roll them up into those long log-looking rolls, then you cut them into wheel-shaped pieces. 
The end!  (Easier said then done!)

My Little Man’s Birthday!!!

My Little Man just turned 3- and we had to celebrate!  He is currently really into “Yo Gabba Gabba!”, so mama made him a Brobee cake.  It only took about 2 hours.  (Did I mention I am not an artist?  Haha, I tried!)  It was 2 rectangle cakes, 1 is whole, 1 is cut into pieces.  There are stripes, coconut with green food coloring and green sugar crystals for the stripes, as well as green colored vanilla icing.  The horns are brownies with strawberry frosting, and his smile and eyes are melted chocolate.
We did a party at our school, and one with family at home.  
My Little Man had so much fun.  I can’t believe he is three….where did the time go?  What happened to my little newborn?