Deciding to go back to college can be a daunting task, but with the right school and the will to keep going it is possible.
In the current economic times, it can take a single line on your resume to separate you from the top of the choices or the bottom. That line is your education- the best way to compare with college graduates when being considered for a position is to not only have the experience, but also the education. But with a family, job, and social responsibilities, it can be very difficult to fit in a traditional college education. Online colleges are a great resource. Concordia University Wisconsin is regionally accredited by The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Regional accreditation agencies are recognized by the U.S. Department of Education to accredit degree granting colleges and universities. Concordia University Wisconsin has many programs including Business, Criminal Justice, Nursing, Education, Counseling, Health Services, Occupational Therapy, Information Technology, Theology and even High School Dual Credits. In addition to these courses there are also free email courses available. These courses are a great way to get your feet wet with online learning to see if this is a viable way for you to learn. For most people who use computers regularly, online courses are a breeze to get used to as long as you are able to keep focused on the work and take the subject seriously. Concordia University WI has online programs that are made specifically for busy adults. They believe that you do not need to sacrifice your roles of mother, sister, wife, friend, neighbor, etc, to pursue something you feel called to study and have tailor made their offerings to help you keep life in balance.
Below are a few tips on how to ace your courses.
- Dedicate time to your class. Set aside and hour a day to work on class/course work only.
- When it is time to do course work, turn your phone silent across the room, close Facebook/Twitter/Messenger and any other social networking outlets. As of this point you need to concentrate and social networks were made to eat time and attention.
- Get help. A study buddy can help out big time, make friends in your class try to meet up locally, or just hang out digitally via social networking. Just do not do this during class time.
- Take courses you care about, try not to pick courses just because they are available. If possible pick topis you may enjoy or have been interested in in the past. Have you always enjoyed sci fi movies, look into astronomy, like to go hiking, look into botany. There are many topics to learn and study, some of which you might actually enjoy.
- Have fun! Keep your head up even through the boring parts. School can be fun, so make it that way. Give yourself incentives to finish on time. Maybe a little extra TV time, a candy before bed, or that pair of shoes you’ve been eyeing up.
With the right attitude and the motivation, a degree is within reach. Which leads to a smarter and better qualified person. Which leads to a higher paying job. Which leads to a less stressful existence. Which leads to a happier you.
Take a look at what they offer- you might just find what you are looking for.